Block Tank 2018 Recap

Gunjan Mehta
Published in
3 min readMay 18, 2018

The Hydrogen team held the first annual Block Tank event last night, and it was a major success!

As we’ve seen the hype around blockchain grow exponentially over the past few years, we think it’s important to highlight budding projects and developers working on real use cases for blockchain technology.


At the start of the event, Hydrogen Co-Founder Mike gave a live demo of Hydro to our the audience and our Twitter/Telegram followers around the world who tuned into the live stream!

The competition then kicked off with pitches from:

Silverwire- Provides users the ability to transfer Ether and ERC20 tokens securely and for free, with the ability to make transfers reversible when sending Ether. A next generation social economy powered by smart messaging that makes life simple and rewards you for doing what you love.

The Rouge Project- This open-source platform reduces costs, friction and the need for trusted middlemen to produce non-falsifiable, non-repudiable and unique usage coupons.

ScalaMed- A platform giving control, ownership, privacy, and knowledge back to patients. Based on blockchain technology, prescriptions are now portable and will never be lost or unavailable again. Enables anyone to encrypt their data and host machine learning competitions to utilize the collective intelligence of models created by the world’s largest community of machine learning experts

MESG- An open-source decentralized infrastructure which makes all technologies on or off the blockchain interoperable

Siglo- A blockchain protocol for financial and digital inclusion. Using smartphone apps built on the Siglo protocol, these users will be able to earn airtime top-ups during their commute.

CryptoCup- the first World Cup prediction game in the blockchain. Players are able to build their own tokens by setting their own predictions.

The projects uniquely explored solving real world problems in fields spanning prescription management, messaging, crowd-sourced machine learning, sports betting, and more.

The Block Tank judges — representing Wanchain, Huobi Labs, Blockchain Founders Fund, and Hydrogen — asked the tough questions and provided valuable feedback for each contestant. There were even surprise additions to the prize pool in the middle of the event!


Instead of having the judges decide the winners, Block Tank was left to a community vote. In the spirit of decentralization, our very own blockchain developer Noah Zinsmeister created a voting dApp using TrustWallet. Using this dApp, audience members were able to cast votes that were recorded on the blockchain in real time!

Each of the contestants was impressive, but only three could come out on top. Without further ado, here are the winners of the first annual Block Tank competition:

[1st Place] CryptoCup: A World Cup prediction game with ERC-721 tokens

[2nd Place] ScalaMed: Patient-centered prescription management

[3rd Place] Siglo: A platform to facilitate free access to mobile connectivity for prepaid subscribers in emerging markets


Block Tank was a lot of fun — there were some amazing projects and we had a great turnout! Please stay tuned to our social media channels to see footage of the event in the coming weeks!

Congratulations to all contestants, thanks to our judges, and a special shout-out to General Assembly for hosting us. For all those working on new dApp ideas, be sure to sign up for a chance to compete next year!

