Hydro App Updates for iOS and Android!

Reinaldo Haynes
Published in
2 min readJul 3, 2018

We are in the midst of final preparations to launch the Hydro app live on iOS and release a beta for Android.

Hey! It’s your friendly neighborhood Software Developer, just here to give the community yet another exciting update on the Hydro app.

First of all, I want to thank everyone who has shown interest and helped out with the current beta test of the app. We consider your feedback when creating updates to the product, so keep it coming!

If you’ve been an iOS tester, you should have already received a few updates to the beta app via Testflight. As for Android users — I know you’ve been waiting, and I’m happy to announce that your time is near!

Hydro App testing for various Android phones.

There are a few reasons why it took a bit of extra time developing for the Android. The primary factor has been the sheer number of Android devices in the market that respond differently with regard to UX/UI decisions made in early development. Seriously: a few adjustments to the code allowed the app to be compatible with over 14,000 Android phones! We want to make sure the app is compatible and reliable with as many devices as possible at launch.

Theoretical Android device support provided by Google Play
Secure wallet generation screen (Hydro App).

We also took our time implementing a new internal wallet, with Android specifically in mind. In our initial run, depending on the phone, it took over 2–3 minutes to create a secure crypto wallet, which we use to connect to the blockchain and create your Hydro identity. With the help of our blockchain engineer Noah, we were able to drop the wallet generation time down to 10–30 seconds.

So, on to the big question: When will Android users get access to the Hydro app beta?!

We are confident that the Android beta will be available no later than early next week.

A mainnet launch of the Hydro iOS app should proceed not too far after the Android beta release. Exciting times indeed!

We’d love to hear from you! Please get in touch via Discord, Reddit, or Telegram.

