Hydro Blocktoberfest: Welcome New Decentralization Ambassadors!

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2 min readOct 10, 2018

It has been a while since we gave an update on the Decentralization Ambassador (DA) program.

Well…it is off to a flying start! The DA team has created governance and roles, has their own GitHub, Slack, Trello, and tons of other tools, and runs autonomously from Hydrogen already! They have 13 DAs, with many more to be filled over the 4th Quarter.

We started the DA initiative to involve the global Hydro community in the ongoing decentralization and growth of the Hydro blockchain ecosystem. Before the DAs start their own blog and provide their own updates, we wanted to provide one final shoutout on our blog to showcase the new ambassadors that have been filled over the summer!

Mark Anstead — USA

Joel Kite— UK

Jason Garland — Japan

Kai Bloetjes— Netherlands

Saurav Kumar — India

Sven Roberts — Netherlands

Please give them a warm welcome! If you are interested in interviewing for the DA Program elections please contact them via Discord and check out the Hydro Community GitHub page for updated development tasks they have posted to expand the Hydro ecosystem.




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