Hydro Update: 8/10/18

Andy Chorlian
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2018

The Hydro team provides updates on Hydrogen's blockchain and decentralization efforts, including the Hydro API and Hydro smart contracts.

We had a productive first full week of August at Hydrogen! We’ve been working on a few big things that consumed most of our time this week.

  1. I have primarily been working on our Decentralization Ambassadors smart contracts. These contracts will be what manage our DAs for the future of the program. There are two core contracts at this time. One of them manages the ambassadors and the other manages voting. We decided to separate this logic so that we can keep the contract upgradable in the future should better voting mechanisms be introduced. Our current contracts are certainly not in their final form and we would like to encourage our community to add issues, comments, and suggestions! We also have an HCDP code review task listed for those familiar with Solidity.
  2. Noah has been coding up a dashboard for Snowflake. This dashboard will allow for users to interact with their Snowflakes and manage things such as owner addresses, balances, and resolvers. This dashboard utilizes Noah’s web3 webpacked library that he released last month. It is just the start of what can be done on Snowflake. We are very excited to have this dashboard and many more Snowflake interfaces released over the coming months.
  3. Lastly, we also added some increased admin logic to our Hydro API. These endpoints are currently for internal use only; they give our team more insights into applications, their users and how we can help them grow. We are excited to continue adding features here, and hope to also be able to give applications increased admin capabilities in the future so that they can better analyze their users.

Thanks for reading! See you again next week.

We’d love to hear from you! Please get in touch via Discord, Reddit, or Telegram.



Andy Chorlian

Blockchain Engineer @ Hydro and Crypto Enthusiast