Hydrogen — A Year In Review

Mike Kane
Published in
3 min readDec 27, 2018

Wow — what an amazing year it has been for all of us at Hydrogen!

When Matt and I incorporated the company in Delaware on November 20th, 2017 (our birthday), we envisioned Hydrogen as the standard Web 3.0 platform for fintech. This platform would be a place where any developer, located anywhere in the world, could build amazing fintech solutions that solve the problems of the billions that are unbanked.

From our 10 years of experience building consumer fintech apps, we knew we were solving a large problem, but little did we know just how HUGE it would be!

Our Year

In 2018, Hydrogen onboarded new enterprise clients such as TD Bank, and Principal Financial Group, who together have over 40 million customers globally.

Hydrogen has added over two dozen new collaborators to the ecosystem, including Oracle, IBM, Google Cloud, eight fintech hubs globally, four global consulting firms, some of the most prestigious blockchain projects, and top European fintech incubator LHoFT.

Since our launch earlier this year, we’ve built up a fevered community of over 10,000 developers in over 150 countries that have signed up to use Hydrogen’s APIs.

We started the open-source project Hydro, the world’s standard financial services public blockchain platform, from scratch, without raising a single dollar in a token sale or from venture capitalists. The organic growth of Hydro has created a new blueprint for scaling community driven blockchain platforms.

Hydro has become one of the fastest growing open-source tech projects globally, with developers creating new protocols, their own decentralized governance and elections, a fintech dApp store that will standardize how consumers interact with blockchain, and a large community of passionate evangelizers that will take the project to new heights.

Awards & Accolades

Hydrogen has quickly been recognized among peers and the industry at large. Some of the fintech awards Hydrogen has won in 2018 include:

  • FinTech Startup of the Year from KPMG Luxembourg
  • Excellence in FinTech Award from FiNext
  • Institutional Investment Product of the Year from Breakthrough Finance
  • Rising Star in FinTech from India FinTech Awards

A New Company Culture

In 2018, we created the Hydrogen Periodic Table of Culture — a radical new take on startup culture that prioritizes entrepreneurship, innovation, risk-taking, and hard-work. This new take has already bred the Hydrogen Chemistry Lab. This initiative allows any member of the team to work on innovation projects, and apply for grants from the Hydrogen founders. Chemistry Lab projects have already been included in the Hydrogen roadmap, such as Augmented Reality and Data Visualization libraries.

Profitable In Tech

We are excited to report that Hydrogen is profitable for 2018, our first full year in business! This is astonishing, considering Hydrogen has raised no equity financing. Only 17% of tech companies that went public in 2017 were profitable, let alone tech companies in their first year in operation.

2019 is looking to be an even bigger year, with many new clients, partners, product features, and innovations on the horizon, along with even further growth in revenue!



Mike Kane

Co-Founder @HydrogenAPI & Project #Hydro blockchain. Writer. Chef. Basketball junkie. Movie lover. Independent. Futurist.