Hydrogen Named “FinTech Rising Star” in India!

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3 min readDec 6, 2018

There is a fintech revolution happening in India, and Hydrogen is an instrumental part of it. To add to our growing trophy case, we were given the prestigious “FinTech Rising Star” award in Mumbai, ahead of nearly 250 other startups! This is Hydrogen’s first full year in business, and all of our growth has been achieved in India organically, with not a dollar spent, so this is truly an honor.

The Massive Potential for Hydrogen in India

Our open-source blockchain protocol Hydro has thousands of developers in India. This is in addition to enterprise relationships building on the platform at large, such as Tech Mahindra, and Principal India.

Digital payments are expected to reach $1 Trillion in India by 2020. There is a massive need for better security, digital payments, and financial infrastructure to keep up with this growth. Just take a look at this snap poll we conducted last week, by nearly 2–1, those who responded wanted better financial security in India.

With tens of millions of well-trained tech workers, and a great entrepreneurial spirt, India is well positioned to be a global leader. Hydrogen can be the platform that serves as the base for this transformation, by providing the off-chain and on-chain infrastructure that handles billions of financial transactions.

The Awards

Thank you to our wonderful hosts from the India FinTech Awards, and all of the prestigious judges. The format was simple, Mike had 6 minutes to present a demo of Hydrogen and a vision for the future in India. Mike was joined on stage by Project Hydro Decentralization Ambassadors Harsh and Saurav, both residents of India.

Afterwards there were questions from the judges, and a booth for the hundreds of fintech executives and entrepreneurs in attendance to mix and mingle with the Hydrogen team.

If you are interested in helping Hydrogen revolutionize fintech in India, please get in touch today!




The Global Financial Operating System. Creator of #Atom and #Molecule #APIs. Founding dev on open-source #blockchain #Hydro. Made in #NYC! www.hydrogenplatform.