Introducing New Hydrogen Partner: Wherefor!

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2 min readAug 12, 2018

Our 30 partners in 30 days series continues, with #10 of 30 — Wherefor!

They are an International R&D and Innovation Advisory Company, based in Budapest. Their partners specialize in Comparative & International Taxation, Wealth Management & Behavioural Finance, and Management & Strategy. Here is how they describe themselves:

We provide Innovation Advice and Intermediation, while promoting collaborative R&D and fostering Open Innovation, in order to accelerate knowledge and technology transfer. We aim at building E-cosystems (Entrepreneurial Ecosystems), through:

(i) Research, with E-nnovation (Entrepreneurial Innovation) Programs, acting as facilitator, intermediary and co-ordinator for all types of stakeholders involved (including entrepreneurs, startups and innovative SMEs, corporations and investors, universities, research institutions, nonprofit organizations and governments); and

(ii) Development, with Venture Studios: new hybrid program, which combine two distinct models: (a) Venture Builders: creating, building and scaling innovative projects internally and (b) Startup Studios: advising, supporting & connecting external innovative solution providers, in addition to maximizing their mutual synergies.

We look forward to working with Wherefor on new innovation projects and R&D in Europe, spreading the use of open APIs, public blockchain, and machine learning in European fintech. Stay tuned for #11 of 30 in our 30 partners in 30 days series tomorrow!




The Global Financial Operating System. Creator of #Atom and #Molecule #APIs. Founding dev on open-source #blockchain #Hydro. Made in #NYC! www.hydrogenplatform.