Release: Proton Version 1.1

Shane Hampton
Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2018

We are excited to announce the release of version 1.1 of the Proton API, as part of Hydrogen’s Atom offering. Check the details below to find out what’s new!

New Services

Version 1.1 adds 15 new endpoints — a series of tools centered around savings and financial goal analysis.

  1. POST /education_calculator/deposit_amount: A calculator to help plan for an education goal by solving for the amount to be saved over time.
  2. POST /education_calculator/percent_covered: A calculator to help plan for an education goal by solving for the percentage of the total cost that be covered under a savings plan.
  3. POST /education_calculator/annual_cost: A calculator to help plan for an education goal by solving for the maximum annual education cost that can be achieved under a savings plan.
  4. POST /emergency_fund_calculator: A tool to help build an emergency savings fund based on a series of customizable cost-of-living expenses.
  5. POST /life_insurance/needs_calculator: A liability-driven model to calculate how much life insurance an individual needs.
  6. POST /purchase_calculator/deposit_amount: A calculator to help determine the recurring savings amount needed to meet a major purchase goal (such as buying a house).
  7. POST /purchase_calculator/amount: A calculator to help determine the major purchase amount that can be achieved under a savings plan.
  8. POST /purchase_calculator/horizon: A calculator to help determine the time horizon necessary to save for a major purchase goal.
  9. POST /mortgage_calculator/down_payment: A calculator to solve for the down payment required to attain a desired mortgage plan.
  10. POST /mortgage_calculator/home_price: A calculator to solve for the total home price that can be afforded.
  11. POST /mortgage_calculator/periodic_payment: A calculator to solve for the periodic mortgage payment that will cover a given home purchase.
  12. POST /retirement_calculator/deposit_amount: A calculator to help plan for retirement by solving for the appropriate periodic savings amount.
  13. POST /retirement_calculator/percent_covered: A calculator to help plan for retirement by solving for the percentage of desired retirement expenses that can be attained under a given savings plan.
  14. POST /retirement_calculator/expenses: A calculator to help plan for retirement by solving for the total yearly retirement expenses that can be covered under a given savings plan.
  15. POST /savings_calculator: A tool to examine the growth of a savings plan over time considering interest rates, taxes, and inflation.

Bug Fixes

  • Added error handling to prevent unattainable solutions in /goal_accumulation and /goal_decumulation endpoints
  • Changed optional parameter tgt_val to default to 0 in POST /mvo
  • Fixed an issue with POST /risk_score in which the wrong fields were being required


  • Implemented a new Monte Carlo framework for /goal_accumulation and /goal_decumulation services, in order to improve endpoint performance
  • Optimized data extraction for all endpoints that source external data

