Release: Proton Version 1.2.17

Shane Hampton
Published in
1 min readSep 7, 2018

We are excited to announce the release of version 1.2.17 of the Proton API, as part of Hydrogen’s Atom offering. Check the details below to find out what’s new!

Version 1.2.17 patches non-critical bugs and inconsistencies for the new Goals framework that was introduced in the Version 1.2 release.

Change Details

  • Fixed a bug in which risk_score was not correctly reflected in /goal_accumulation/allocation and /goal_decumulation/allocation endpoints
  • Fixed a bug preventing deposit reference points from being set correctly for goals services
  • Changed default deposit_config values to have deposits span over the goal accumulation phase when not specified otherwise
  • Changed allowable range of n from 0–9999 to 0–10000
  • Scaled back enforcement of specific strings in the w_asset_config request object
  • Fixed a bug in which the allocation response object was missing data for specific request structures in /goal_accumulation/allocation and /goal_decumulation/allocation endpoints
  • Implemented sign consistency in the request and response of negative cash flow values for goals services

