Release: Proton Version 1.3.4

Shane Hampton
Published in
1 min readNov 6, 2018

We are excited to announce the release of version 1.3.4 of the Proton API, as part of Hydrogen’s Atom offering. Check the details below to find out what’s new!

Version 1.3.4 patches bugs and institutes minor changes, as described below:

  • Enabled Goals services to allow a value of 0 for horizon_min
  • Included additional ticker price history validation in /diversification_score and /portfolio_optimization_score services for more helpful error messaging
  • Fixed a bug in which current portfolio stats were incorrect in certain cases for /portfolio_optimization_score
  • Adjusted goal_inflation to the periodicity set in horizon_frequency for Goals services
  • Added a response field for adjusted_goal_amount into /goal_accumulation/* services, indicating the future value of the goal target adjusted for inflation, taxes, and goal deviation threshold

