Release: Proton Version 1.3

Shane Hampton
Published in
2 min readOct 12, 2018

We are excited to announce the release of version 1.3 of the Proton API, as part of Hydrogen’s Atom offering. Check the details below to find out what’s new!

New Services

Version 1.3 adds seven new services to Proton’s Wellness and Annuity suites:

  1. POST /portfolio_optimization_score : Assess the relative health of a portfolio, as compared to a mean-variance optimized portfolio. The comparison is done on the basis of return-to-risk ratio, producing a score on a 0 to 100 scale in which 100 represents the optimized portfolio.
  2. POST /diversification_score : Assess the diversification of a portfolio by comparing the standard deviation of the portfolio to the weighted average standard deviation of its individual positions. This diversification ratio ranges from 0 to 1, with 1 indicating no diversification (e.g. portfolio holdings are perfectly correlated) and 0 indicating complete diversification (e.g. portfolio holdings are perfectly non-correlated). The ratio is subtracted from 1 and mapped on a 0 to 100 scale.
  3. POST /annuity_calculator/annuity_amount : A calculator to help solve for the annuity amount that can be successfully attained, given the other details provided. This tool works well for investors who want to maximize future annuity payments.
  4. POST /annuity_calculator/initial_balance : A calculator to help solve for the initial balance that an investor needs in order to satisfy the annuity details provided. This tools works well for investors who have liquid assets available and a defined annuity target.
  5. POST /annuity_calculator/deposit_amount : A calculator to help solve for the recurring amount to be contributed over the accumulation horizon, in order to satisfy the annuity details provided. This tool works well for investors who have ongoing income to contribute toward a future annuity.
  6. POST /annuity_calculator/decumulation_horizon : A calculator to help solve for the time horizon over which annuity payments will persist, based on the details provided. This tool works well for investors who want to assess how long a given annuity will last.
  7. POST /annuity_calculator/accumulation_horizon : A calculator to help solve for the accumulation horizon (i.e. the time period until annuity payments begin) that is needed in order to satisfy the annuity details provided. This tool works well for investors who want to see the effects of account growth to achieve a desired annuity outcome.

Check out our developer documentation more details on these new services, as well as example requests and responses!

Fixes & Other Changes

  • Switched WSGI server framework from default Flask server to bjoern
  • Updated Flask framework to version 1.0.2
  • Numerical outputs from Goals services rounded to 4 decimal places
  • Various fixes for input validation
  • Boolean environment variables now load correctly in Proton
  • Fix tax calculations so outflows shown are after-tax
  • New period_taxes and cumulative_taxes fields for services with a return_details response object

