The Hydro dApp Store to Power the Fintech Web 3.0

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2 min readNov 21, 2018

With the introduction of ERC-1484 (branded as Hydro Snowflake), the Hydro core protocol team has created the first way to tie any digital identity to decentralized applications (known as “dApps”). This breakthrough has allowed Hydrogen to create the first dApp store for financial services!

Importance of Open App Marketplaces

This dApp store will allow developers to deploy financial dApps that solve business needs across investing, savings, insurance, lending, credit, capital markets, and much more. It also means that Hydrogen will no longer be the only application developer in the Hydro ecosystem, furthering its decentralization and growth potential.

Hydro Founder Mike Kane — “The dApp store will make Hydro the standard Layer-2 platform for financial services in the Web 3.0, much like Paypal (now a $100 Bil market cap company) became the standard Layer-2 platform for financial services in the Web 2.0.”

Look at some examples from Web 2.0 fintech companies, including Paypal, Square, and Intuit, that have deployed app stores for developers—

The Hydro Community, led by the Decentralization Ambassadors, will be working with many of these same developers, plus a whole group of new companies born out of the blockchain revolution, to create the dApps that will better the lives of billions.

The dApp store is planned to be released soon, follow our social media for the latest updated. We have created a video examining the Hydro dApp store and its implications for the financial services Web 3.0, please enjoy!




The Global Financial Operating System. Creator of #Atom and #Molecule #APIs. Founding dev on open-source #blockchain #Hydro. Made in #NYC! www.hydrogenplatform.