You Can Now Be Hydrogen Atom Certified!

Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2019

Hydrogen now has a formal certification program for all implementation and consulting partners that want to work with clients on the Hydrogen Atom platform!

Certification Criteria

The certification will cover the following topic areas:

  1. Educational materials
  2. Architecture
  3. Entity Relationships
  4. Authentication
  5. Deployments
  6. Platform
  7. Onboarding
  8. Accounts & Clients
  9. Questionnaires & Decision Trees
  10. Funding & Money Movement
  11. Savings & Investing
  12. Goals
  13. Portfolio Management
  14. Rebalancing & Orders
  15. Performance & Analytics
  16. Insurance Onboarding, Claims, & Quotes
  17. Life Calculations & Annuities
  18. Financial Wellness
  19. Data Aggregation
  20. Budgeting
  21. Third-Party Integrations
  22. Solutions
  23. Roadmaps
  24. Business/Licensing Options
  25. Case Studies
  26. API Documentation
  27. Quick Start Guide

Every partner will need to get re-certified yearly, or when there is a major version release, whichever comes earlier. To receive the official certification, partners will be asked to build an app on top of Hydrogen Atom, like the one pictured below:

The app will be judged on code quality, solution quality, configuration, and deployment in a cloud environment.

Certification Benefits

Certified partners will be listed prominently on the Hydrogen site, broken down by region. It will be a great lead generation for firms!

Partners can pitch in their marketing that they are certified on the Hydrogen Atom platform. This will help them to win clients to implement Hydrogen Atom, or to market their fintech ecosystem integration and move clients into higher revenue custom solutions. Hydrogen will give all partners a certification badge for their marketing, like the one shown below:

When a customer comes to Hydrogen asking us to do an implementation, we can refer them to an appropriate certified partner around the globe, making it a win-win for both companies.

Next Steps

Are you ready to be Hydrogen certified? Together we can do great things!

Contact our partnership team to become part of the fintech API revolution!




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