18 countries announced the development of their own cryptocurrency

Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2020

HRS is the digital currency of the new economic system in Hydrostandart project, which can be used by people all over the world. Our currency, unlike its predecessors, is reinforced by an inexhaustible energy resource — hydrogen.

We are not just creating digital money for use in the project, we are creating a payment tool that will be applicable in any country, anywhere in the world.

This may sound like a fantasy to some people, but we are already creating money out of water and offer everyone to start making money with us, while other countries are only trying to create local currencies!

Different countries are really trying to create their own digital currencies. The recent study by The Block showed that Central banks in 18 countries have announced the development of their own virtual currency. Three countries have already launched a digital payment system, including Senegal, Venezuela, and Uruguay.

Also in late December, Elvira Nabiullina, the Chairman of the Central Bank of Russia, said that the agency began testing stablecoins.

What does the above news tell us? Only that the state authorities are gradually coming to believe that digital currencies will conquer the world in the coming years.

We, in turn, believe that the world needs a single decentralized currency, reinforced by a real asset, with which all participants in the new economic system can earn money.

Learn more about the decentralized currency of the project -HRS: https://hydrostandart.io




Hydrostandart - decentralized platform create artificial intelligence and make money from water!