A scientific-theoretical basis for the Hydrostandart project

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2 min readNov 18, 2019

The reference document for Hydrostandart.io is a scientific paper titled ‘Hydrogen money standard theory’ (ISBN 977–5–4472–6301–0). It deals with the next stage of human civilization — building a global digital economy, which is impossible within the current system of cash and electronic money.

Such an economy will need digital money of a new type, based on a universal energy standard for ascribing value and making settlements — that is also non-political by nature. Energy lies at the origin of everything in the Universe. This axiom should be used when developing any project, technology or model. The principal asset of everything is energy and time. The entire history of the Universe is exactly that — circulation of energy.

It is energy that is most important to the evolution of culture because any system of culture the three key factors are:
1. Energy spent per capita per year
2. Energy production technology efficiency
3. Quality and quantity of goods and services produced for consumer satisfaction

All civilizations ever known to mankind have always relied in their advancement on some basic energy resource, and this reliance would often turn into complete dependence.

This is a property of ordered systems — they quickly fall apart and decay without a constant inflow of energy from an external source. For the Earth’s civilization to prosper and grow in a sustainable manner it must ensure there is enough clean hydrogen energy and a universal system of its wireless transfer and distribution. This is only possible using hydrogen isotopes.

Learn more: http://hydrostandart.io/WhitePaperENG.pdf




Hydrostandart - decentralized platform create artificial intelligence and make money from water!