Digital capitalization

Published in
2 min readDec 6, 2019

The first stage in building a digital economy is the creation of a digital space, ecosystem or reality in which all the elements and objects of the material world will be present in a digital format. Given the fact that the main caracters in the digital economy will still be people, this process must begin with the digitization and capitalization of the humanbeing. Anyone who does not want or will not be able to create their digital identity will not be able to become a full participant in the digital economy.

At their core, people are unique tangible assets. They are able to create material goods and values, generate wealth, so they can be capitalized. In the digital coordinate system, which is the platform, only a digital personality will be able to go through the procedure of its capitalization, which is as follows: in a special section of the system, a person upon the creation of their digital identity, receives a certain number of HRS tokens for free. This is called their primary digital capital, or the capital by right of birth. Any person thus receives the same starting number of HRS tokens, regardless of time, place of birth, nationality, religion or social status.

In order to increase their capital, any market participant must additionally undergo professional and property capitalization of their personality. To do this, he needs to digitize his educational level, professional competencies, social status and property rights by a special algorithm in order to enter them into the system It is clear that at this stage, a twenty-five-year master and a pensioner with incomplete secondary education will receive a different number of tokens.

Capitalization of elements or objects of the material world is made strictly on the basis of smart contracts by a special algorithm using a digital capitalization calculator.

In order to digitally capitalize your tangible property, you first need to convert it to a digital format. The owner can do it independently, or attract other market participants on the basis of a smart contract.




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