Digital evolution — there is no way back

Published in
2 min readDec 27, 2019

Recently, the digital revolution has been frequently discussed in the media. Many people perceive the word “revolution” as an event based on such concepts as justice, freedom of choice and equality that can change life for the better.

In order to make objective conclusions about the digital revolution, first of all, we need to analyze its “younger sister” — the industrial revolution. Which people often have the wrong idea about.

Indeed, the industrial revolution was the catalyst for modernization and the engine of scientific and technological progress. It still remains the driving force of geopolitics, as a phenomenon that happened simultaneously around the world. But in fact, it took many decades before the most important inventions like the steam engine and the cotton gin reached the necessary stage of technical perfection and spread around the world so that they had a decisive impact on the daily lives of people.

The digital revolution is currently only in its infancy, so it is too early to expect any drastic changes. The wave of computerization and the development of the Internet has greatly changed not only the consciousness of people, but also their attitude to the field of IT. People have realized that working and earning in the digital space is easy and simple. Currently, the digital revolution is far from over, its evolution continues. The Internet market is ready to introduce new digital technologies, such as blockchain and neuro-blockchain. Which guarantee users real decentralization with real freedom, justice and security.

There are many skeptics who predict a rapid decline in blockchain and digital cryptocurrencies. This is their subjective opinion, and let it remain with them. Hydrostandart project team states with full responsibility that nobody can cancel computers, tablets and smartphones, and nobody can turn off the Internet just as stop the evolution of the digital economy.

Blockchain and neuro-blockchain systems, as well as cryptocurrencies, are the final elements of digital evolution, which provide a simple transition to a real digital economy. After all, with each new project that develops the ideas of previous generations, we are getting closer to global peace, global justice and global security, where honest work is always rewarded with decent pay without regard to place of residence, social status, gender or origin.




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