Energy of the future

Published in
2 min readNov 14, 2019

Do you know what the energy of the future is? This is a fuel that will be environmentally friendly, and the source of its production is renewable. People around the world already need such a source of energy to replace traditional forms of energy (oil, gas, coal).

And it seems that scientists from Ireland have managed to come close to creating effective catalysts that contribute to the splitting of water into oxygen and hydrogen. According to scientists, the use of such compounds can lead to the creation of “energy of the future” — an environmentally friendly fuel, the combustion of which produces only water.

As you can see, we are talking about hydrogen again. We were among the first to realize that hydrogen is not only a renewable

We have lots of hydrogen, and it’s not just words. It is the lightest and most abundant element in the Universe. With its help we would like to create a new decentralized economic system, beneficial for every person anywhere in the world!

Hydrogen in our project will provide liquidity of hydrogen money — digital currency HRS.

And our first goal is to reach the rate 1 HRS = 60 USD. Do you have any doubt about that? Then you should know that hydrogen energy is the future. So one of the isotopic varieties of hydrogen — tritium, is a leader for fuel in thermonuclear energy, various branches of technology, and this is only the beginning of its use…

You may not understand anything about chemistry and physics, it is enough to understand that hydrogen will be able to maintain the value of the new digital currency HRS and even increase it! We propose to become part of the project that creates a decentralized economic system, with its own asset (hydrogen) which is not just another token!




Hydrostandart - decentralized platform create artificial intelligence and make money from water!