Fiat money may disappear by 2030

Published in
2 min readJan 14, 2020

Hydrostandart project team met the beginning of 2020 in working mode. We continue improving the model of the new decentralized ecosystem, which is the core of the project, and also strive to do everything to make Hydrostandart and the digital currency HRS known to as many people as possible around the world.

We are sure that the existing Fiat system is outdated and the era of paper money is coming to its logical end. Today, Fiat is based only on people’s trust in the government and on habit, but with the advent of cryptocurrencies, the disadvantages of traditional money become obvious.

Turning to history, we see that some time ago money was reinforced by a commodity, for example, precious metals such as gold or silver. And what is happening now?

Money is held “on the word of honor”, the ability of governments to preserve this value. But the most interesting thing is that people are beginning to understand: from a political point of view, the most important factor remains-it is always profitable and tempting to print money, regardless of whether the currency is reinforced by something or not.

This is a very fragile system that will start collapsing in 2020. Jim Reid, a strategist at Deutsche Bank, agrees with our point of view: due to the problems of the financial system, there is a growing demand for digital currency and anonymity. And this can push a huge number of people to use cryptocurrencies.

“The forces that held the current Fiat system now look fragile, and they may give way in the 2020s. If this happens, we will see a widespread rejection of Fiat money and an increase in demand for alternative currencies such as gold and cryptocurrencies, which will help them grow significantly in price”, says Reid.

Thus, the words of the expert once again confirm our opinion-digitalization is inevitable and Hydrostandart project, creating a new decentralized economic system with its own digital currency HRS, stands at the origins of the new world economy.

Find out how the digital currency HRS of Hydrostandart project is reinforced and what our plans are:




Hydrostandart - decentralized platform create artificial intelligence and make money from water!