Fiat-the past, cryptocurrencies-the present

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2 min readDec 7, 2019

Digital currencies are the future. Hydrostandart project team had realized this long before entire countries began to think about creating their own digital currencies. Our project has started its development, we have started selling our new generation currency HRS and what do we see now? Catching up with lost time, whole countries want to create their own digital currencies!

So, earlier in the European Union voiced the opinion that it is necessary to issue the EU cryptocurrency, which will ensure that citizens will continue to use the money of the Central Bank, even if cash ceases to be popular.

And recently it became known that the Central Bank of France will begin testing its national digital currency in the first quarter of 2020. However, it is about testing the currency among institutions, not payments for citizens.

The head of the Central Bank of France François Villeroy de Galhau added that the consumer cryptocurrency requires special control.

What conclusion can be drawn? Today, at the state level, governments understand that the fourth industrial revolution is already underway and with it the economic system will change-Fiat will cease to exist. Time will tell whether countries’ own cryptocurrencies will be in demand, but such a currency will not be decentralized. And this is the main advantage of any cryptocurrency.




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