HRS tokens are the main means to preserve digital value

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2 min readDec 4, 2019

The theory of the hydrogen standard of money proposes to implement a digital model of monetary circulation, which will stimulate the modernization and renewal of all financial, economic and technological spheres. It is based on the fact that money circulation is the “circulatory “ system of the economy, so money, in addition to its nominal (informational) designation, should serve as a means to preserve value. That is, they must be provided with liquid, easily divisible and easy to handle assets, which create their internal value and resistance to changes from external economic factors. An unsecured money supply cannot be considered wealth. Wealth can consist only in material values or commodity mass, both in real life and in digital format.

Money was, is and will always be. The main function of money is certain actions or “work” to service the movement of value in the process of social production. Money is a mean of expressing the values of commodity resources involved in the economic life of society.

For each individual, digital HRS tokens, thanks to their provision, will be absolutely liquid means, which have the feature of exchange for any goods anywhere in the world. Thanks to the hydrogen standard, they will accurately determine the real value of labor, goods and services. And providing assets in the form of hydrogen energy will allow them to be a reliable means not only of preserving value, but also a universal tool for saving and accumulating wealth.




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