Hydrogen standards

Published in
2 min readDec 3, 2019

In 2020 it will be 60 years since the beginning of industrial use of the hydrogen frequency and time standard. It is widely used in radar and navigation systems, telecommunications and communication networks, it is also used in metrology, spectroscopy and radio astronomy. Without it the safe movement of ships, aircrafts and spacecrafts is unthinkable.

Hydrogen standard of frequency and time was developed and began to be actively applied in practice in the middle of the XX century in connection with the rapid exploration of space. It was intended for precision storage and reproduction of the size of frequency and time units as part of measures and reference complexes.

Just as in the 50th of the last century the space sphere was rapidly developing, now the digital economy is having the same rapid, and it also needs a hydrogen standard of money for standardization, synchronization, unification and most importantly, for security of digital payments.

The hydrogen standard of money is the simplification, acceleration, cheapening and ultimate accuracy of all financial processes. It is a metric system for measuring digital money with the use of physical parameters of hydrogen. It is the main repository of the value for digital currencies which has a two-level provision by digital assets and hydrogen energy.




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