Hydrostandart: for the environment and against poverty!

Published in
2 min readDec 11, 2019

The development of our civilization requires more and more energy resources. The use of traditional energy sources such as oil, gas and coal leads to environmental disaster. In order to stop the destructive impact on the nature of harmful emissions, we need a transition to renewable and environmentally friendly energy sources.

Until recently, it was a mystery how much energy might be needed to finally solve the two most important problems of humanity-poverty and negative climate change. Scientists from the International Institute for applied systems analysis (NASA) conducted research on how basic human needs destroy the ecology of the planet.

The results of their work suggest that it is possible to prevent an environmental catastrophe and maintain high standards of consumption only through the introduction of renewable and environmentally friendly energy sources.

Hydrostandart team absolutely agrees with the conclusions of scientists and is confident that with the transition to hydrogen energy and the digital economy, it will be possible not only to meet the basic needs of humanity at a qualitative level, but also to direct excess energy to stabilize the environmental situation.

We invite everyone and those who are not satisfied with their level of income to participate in our project. If you have access to the Internet and free time, you will be able to make good money on the digitization of elements and objects of the material world by placing them in our digital ecosystem.

Also, anyone can start making money on the creation and training of artificial intelligence with the help of simple constructors and templates that our team has developed.

Earn, contribute to the protection of the environment and the development of scientific and technological progress!

We want everyone to have work and money. If you feel the same — join us! http://hydrostandart.io




Hydrostandart - decentralized platform create artificial intelligence and make money from water!