Nike shoes: the digitization of material things

Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2019

One of the main differences in the decentralized financial ecosystem Hydrostandart which we have created is that tangible assets will be transferred to digital. That is, the assets of any person, anywhere in the world will be digitized and embedded in the overall ecosystem.

This will allow the economy to move to a real digital form. Imagine that in a universal financial ecosystem-all assets will be connected to each other, and people will be able to freely use them according to their needs without, for example, using third-party organizations for exchange, which take commissions.

Let’s give an example. Nowadays, in order to sell an apartment, you will need to hire a realtor (possibly a lawyer), in other words, to contact third parties and also pay for their services. But, if your apartment was transferred to a digital asset, you would not have to spend money on the services of third-party organizations. You would just sell it to a buyer in a couple of clicks and get money from the sale. In this case, the transaction would be protected by blockchain technology and smart contract.

Do you see how easy it is? It is interesting that there are companies with world names which are trying to follow us. Last week, Nike received a patent for a shoe tokenization system on the Ethereum blockchain for its authentication and sale.

Nike wants to create unique identifiers and issue ERC721 or ERC1155 format tokens for some sneaker models. Buyers will be able to unlock these tokens by linking the shoes to the owner’s ID, denoting ownership. In addition to digital rights, the token also allows to record data about the genotype of the product, including specific attributes, colors, styles.

The CryptoKick system will allow customers to gain control over shoes and their design. For example, the owner will be able to limit the number of exact copies of their branded sneakers that can be produced.

This is the same digitization of material things only within a specific company, and we offer you to become a part of a large-scale project, and earn with us on the digitization of objects and elements of the material world, to create and train artificial neural networks.

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Hydrostandart - decentralized platform create artificial intelligence and make money from water!