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1 min readNov 22, 2019

The global digital economy of the future will not be able to function with the use of modern electronic and paper money!

What will distinguish the monetary unit of HYDROSTANDART.IO from others?

The currency unit of HYDROSTANDART.IO will strictly conform to physical magnitude — a certain number of energy, and this will be the main difference from any ever existed analogues. This monetary unit will be based on the “Hydrogen standard of money”, which combines energy as a tool of provision and money as an information carrier.

The currency unit of HYDROSTANDART.IO will be able to become a universal tool of trade turnover. It can be compared with the standard at any point of calculation, which will be an effective protection against risks and inflation, as well as it will be able to contribute to the stability of the financial and economic systems. With the use of such a monetary unit, the value of each commodity will consist of the energy costs of its production and its own energy content.

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