Press about us: New type of digital money

Published in
1 min readNov 26, 2019

New type of digital money

The platform HYDROSTANDART.IO is an infrastructure project, as it involves the creation of a global digital infrastructure based on artificial intelligence, its tools solve current problems, the project offers innovative tools and technologies for the construction of the digital economy, and its solution opens up new areas of application for digital currencies and strengthens the material base of the digital economy as a whole.

What does the team of HYDROSTANDART.IO plan to implement within the frameworks of the project?

• the creation of a decentralized ecosystem to allow direct interaction of tangible and digital assets;
• launch of an open decentralized network of hubs providing distributed storage of hydrogen energy which will be controlled with the help of artificial intelligence technologies;
• creation of a system of maintaining balance in the main issues of energy turnover- whom, how much, at what price, for what purposes, from whom, from what, etc.;
• development of modules for analysis, recording and management of energy exchange and energy consumption;
• launch of public data analysis, recording and management modules in web and Ethereum.

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Hydrostandart - decentralized platform create artificial intelligence and make money from water!