Super AI theory developed by Hydrostandart

Published in
Nov 3, 2020

The Hydrostandart team has completed work on a new type of artificial intelligence (AI), what called “Matrix AI”.

The main idea of the work is that there are two systems of cognition and thinking in the human body: neural and basal, which is present in any tissues consisting of ordinary cells. Basal cognition is present in all non-neural animals, plants and unicellular organisms. And in multicellular organisms, including humans, it performs the most complex functions that are unaffordable for neural networks.

“Matrix AI” differs from neural networks in that it is formed not by creating mathematical algorithms, but by generating electro-chemical impulses similar to the signals of cells of non-neural tissues and unicellular organisms.

On the basis of matrix AI and neural networks, it is supposed to create a universal system of computation and cognition, which will open up new possibilities for humanity.




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