Teach, earn, change the world

Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2019

We have already told you many times that each of you reading this post can teach artificial intelligence by yourself. We have come up with templates and programs that will allow anyone to do it without experience and without professional knowledge. And the most important thing is that we offer you to earn on it!

Today, on the example of an American company — we will show what trained artificial intelligence is capable of. Recently, California-based company Bidgely has introduced a new version of the UtilityAI platform which provides a personalized approach to energy management for utility customers and more efficient operation of enterprises.

In order to develop a new version of the platform, more than 15 million household data were processed in 15 countries. Bidgely learned everything about their energy consumption ! UtilityAI is the only platform that uses machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms to tailor solutions to the individual user. Bidgely’s solution takes into account customers’ real habits related to their energy consumption. Algorithms that analyze trends in consumer behavior are constantly being improved by adding new data.

Look at these data! With the introduction of Bidgely’s customer platform in North America, Rocky Mountain Power was able to save 41 GW of electricity, reducing costs by 25%. Is it impressive?

And now imagine that each of you is able to create artificial intelligence in the form of computer bots that can be implemented in various areas with the help of our templates and designers. Bots will turn into your virtual assistants and will work for you and bring you profit. You will receive hydrogen money and at the same time create a digital reality with artificial intelligence!

Find out more: http://hydrostandart.io




Hydrostandart - decentralized platform create artificial intelligence and make money from water!