The alliance of Russian companies in the field of AI

Published in
2 min readDec 25, 2019

While we are closely engaged in the development of AI solutions for our platform, Russia is also making progress in the direction of AI development.
Recently it became known that the Russian Federation will create an Alliance for the development of artificial intelligence. Sberbank, Yandex, Gazprom Neft, The Russian direct investment Fund (RDIF), Group and operator MTS will deal with this. The Alliance will be created in an open format and involve the participation of companies of all sizes.

According to the creators of the project, the Alliance will form an infrastructure in Russia for the rapid development of AI technologies. An important area of work will be the mutual integration in order to analyze the prospects for the introduction of innovative solutions in the Russian Federation, as well as cooperation with educational projects to prepare the future personnel reserve.

So far, there is only the creation of an Alliance and, as mentioned above, it will be aimed at work with companies.

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