The future is the digital economy and the tokenization of the world

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2 min readDec 23, 2019

Our civilization is constantly evolving. The old and obsolete gives way to the new and progressive. The stone age has ended not because the stones ended. The industrial period created all the prerequisites for building a digital economy that radically changed the world.

Nowadays we see how the industrial reality is actively transforming into a digital economy. Our world is full of different assets: stocks, real estate, gold, energy, all kinds of financial instruments. Many of them are difficult to move physically, so buyers and sellers prefer to trade documents representing these assets. However, this is a very difficult process to track and control. Therefore, Hydrostandart project proposes to move to a digital system of capitalization, valuation and tokenization of tangible assets.

However, there is a kind of asset that lawyers call intangible. They exist only through the operation of the law, the physical object is absent. Examples of intangible assets are patents, carbon credits, trademarks, copyright, and something like that. Intangible assets that do not have a physical form are much easier to combine with blockchain-based systems. It is even easier to digitize, capitalize and tokenize intangible assets than physical objects, as there are less problems with regard to their storage and movement.

Digital tokenization in Hydrostandart ecosystem is the process of replacing Fiat money, stocks, deposits, credit card numbers, jewelry, real estate with HRS tokens that reflect these values. Which makes their trade easier and safer.

The tokenization of tangible assets and intellectual property using HRS cryptocurrency will facilitate compliance with regulatory requirements, increase the speed of transactions and provide an opportunity to target a wider range of potential buyers or investors. It will enable all project participants to trade around the clock and conduct transactions faster.




Hydrostandart - decentralized platform create artificial intelligence and make money from water!