The use of breakthrough technologies in the oil industry and Hydrostandart

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2 min readDec 12, 2019

Nowadays, the importance of combining cryptography, blockchain and cloud services becomes obvious for any industry.

For example, the Italian Corporation Eni, which is a major resource giant, will become a leader in the processing of data. What does it mean? Any such company requires the processing of a huge amount of data: from the supply of raw materials to information about employees.

For these purposes, Eni already has a Dell HPC4 — a supercomputer with a capacity of 18 Pflops. And Dell will create a new 52 Pflops system that will be fully compatible with the previous model. Thus, Eni will create a mini-cluster of two supercomputers with a total processing power of 70 Pflops, which is the most productive installation in the history of industry.

Breakthrough products appear at the intersection of technologies-this is what Eni demonstrates to the world.

Hydrostandart team, on the example of its project, also proves that the current development of not only individual industries, but also entire countries in the world, is not possible without the use of the latest technologies.

In our project, we have been using AI and blockchain in order to build a real, scalable decentralized ecosystem, with its own currency. Simply put, we are beginning to build a new economic system, which will be dominated by modern technology. We believe that technology is able to give people what they need-confidence in the future. Our project gives an opportunity to become a part of a new ecosystem-to earn in it, to improve the environment, to create a new world! And to receive new benefits, in order to be confident in the future!




Hydrostandart - decentralized platform create artificial intelligence and make money from water!