What is HRS

Published in
2 min readNov 25, 2019

HRS is primarily the currency of our global, decentralized ecosystem. HRS is a new generation of digital money.

The currency of our project is not a virtual token like in many other projects. We want every HRS owner to understand the value of next generation money. HRS-is supported by a highly liquid asset-hydrogen. In order to explain this, let’s give an example: existing currencies are usually reinforced by different assets, including oil, HRS- is reinforced by hydrogen.

What is the advantage of hydrogen over oil? Oil-will end, hydrogen- no, the resources of oil on the planet are small compared with hydrogen.

Hydrogen is a source of energy that is eternal. Now do you understand why we have chosen hydrogen?

And such an asset underpins our digital currency HRS, an asset that is plentiful and rising in value. How does hydrogen increase in price? It is used by people! Just for example: 1 gram of hydrogen worth 0.01$ + technology = 30 000 $ for 1 gram of hydrogen isotope TRITIUM (used in the nuclear industry).

We will use hydrogen as a basic energy resource that will provide a stable value of the new digital currency. And also it will become the main thing in achievement of material well-being of each participant of the project!

HRS is not a virtual token, it is a real digital currency!




Hydrostandart - decentralized platform create artificial intelligence and make money from water!