Technologies to Monitor Cough

Javeria Usmani
Acoustic Epidemiology
3 min readDec 15, 2021

Are there any technologies to monitor cough?

Innovations in the science and technology sector are growing at a rapid pace.

Moreover, the inclusion of artificial intelligence in every sector is increasing its demand.

The same is the case with the healthcare industry.

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: 4 Surprising Innovations blog gives you an idea of AI in healthcare.

Technologies to monitor cough

Cough and flu are often minor disorders. But occasionally, they give you an indication of harmful respiratory disease. Therefore, cough is mostly into two types upon the severity:

  1. Acute Cough
  2. Chronic Cough

Do you want to know the type of your cough? Then, have a look at What Types Of Cough Are There?

A good amount of research for monitoring cough episodes is in the pipeline. Hence, you will see new technologies coming in the next few years. As a result, your life might soon be lifeguarded by some technology.

Is your cough irritating you regularly? Learn When to See a Healthcare Professional Due to Cough

Smartcough | Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre

Smartcough project is a collaborative effort by the Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre, The University of Edinburgh, the University of the West of Scotland, Cirrus Logic, and Chest heart & stroke Scotland.

It tends to introduce cough monitoring through smartphones or wearables. This project aims to record, track and ascertain cough besides providing pocket and user-friendly telemedicine results.

24 Hours Ambulatory Recorder

This research explains the assessment of an ambulatory set-up for 24 hours. Researchers used EMG signals to detect the noise made by cough. Intraobserver and interobserver differences to calculate cough were significantly less. In addition, software for quantifying these episodes is in the making.

Technology has the power to quantify patients with pulmonary diseases, specifically showing symptoms of cough.

Audio-based Assessment of Cough

Technologies to monitor cough

This study discusses equipment utilizing acoustic discrepancies during the coughing episodes. In addition, it provides indications of implementing this audio-based cough monitor in-home medical instrument, the introduction of advanced cough treatments, and clinical investigations.

Potentially these mechanical cough algorithms are in the process of improvement in terms of value and operational speed.

Translating Cough Mechanisms Into Better Cough Suppressants You may find it insightful yet intriguing to read.

How best to measure cough clinically

Informative research describes the ways to compute cough, such as

  • Frequence of cough
  • Intensity of cough
  • Severity of cough

Visual Analogue Scale can record its extremity. Leicester Cough Monitor and the VitaloJAK are the two genuine technologies to measure cough. Both of these are cough measuring monitors.

Smartphones and Machine Learning to Measure Cough

Technologies to monitor cough

Researchers studied a smartphone-based application designed to collect cough sounds continuously. The study showed encouraging results. Their goal is to receive and combine high-quality audio samples of chronic cough patients.

This obstinate chronic cough will assess the trustworthiness of smartphones collecting audio samples in the actual world.

Conclusion of Technologies to monitor cough

Significant benefits can be observed in technologies for monitoring cough. The future holds surprising modern and innovative trends for the human respiratory system.


  1. Technologies for Developing Ambulatory Cough Monitoring Devices | Request PDF (
  2. Theory and Application of Audio-Based Assessment of Cough (
  3. Objective cough frequency monitoring in real-world practice | European Respiratory Society (
  4. Smartcough | Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (

