Things You Didn’t Know About Brand’s Color

Tahsin Saif
Published in
4 min readMar 17, 2018

Color is what we perceive the world with. Most of our dreams and thoughts are basically amalgamation of colors. But the impacts of colors go beyond that. Each and every color has different psychological effects.

This world is a shared experience. Maybe all of us have different perspectives but we can feel the same set of feelings. Studies have proved that colors can change the way we feel about certain something.

Can you use this as a marketing strategy to make people feel the way we want? Yes, of course can.

Now let’s talk about the characteristics of some basic colors.

Green: closer to the earth

Green is mostly used by the brands whose product has something to do with eco-friendliness (like Animal planet). But that’s not all. Green also carries the idea of growth and prosperity. It also gives away the idea of good health, which probably why Tropicana, Starbucks and Subway uses green, to bend people’s mind into believing that the products they sell are good for our health. Although sometimes i wonder why British petroleum and Heineken are even using green.

Orange: the center of attention

Orange is a creative, youthful and cheerful color. As it stands out in a crowd, you cannot simply ignore orange and scroll down on your feed. Even though its a strong color, orange has something childish in it. Maybe that’s why Nickelodeon and Rockstar Games have orange in their logos. And look at the bottle of Fanta! Orange drinks companies are actually privileged in terms of color combination as nothing lures people in like they do. And yes i know that the logo of MasterCard also uses orange. Who knows, maybe they want to look friendly too.

Red might get on your nerves

Red creates a sense of power, dominance and urgency. It’s proven that the color red can actually raise people’s heart rate. Red can be used to grab someone’s attention, as it’s the color of blood, rose, romance, and fire trucks, and stop signs too.

BBC, CNN, ESPN and TLC. Did I just name some of the most prominent media channels? Yes, I did. And all of them uses the color red.

Netflix, Youtube,Puma, Mitsubishi Motors, Toyota, Motorola, I could go on all day and the list won’t even end. Do you know why? Because red is one of the most widely used color among the brands because of its powerful nature that that drives people into buying their products.

Take a sip from your Coca Cola.

The yellow sun speaks of optimism

Yellow signifies happiness, optimism, warmth and in some cases, caution. I don’t know if its for caution that Mcdonald’s uses yellow, but the yellow that’s in the brand design of Chevrolet, IKEA, Nikon and Ferrari surely evokes happiness and optimism into people which turns them more prone to buy their products. I totally forgot to mention 29th Century Fox Studio and Lays. And also warning signs.

Blue takes away the responsibilities

Blue reminds us of the limitless sky, the vast ocean. And also Facebook. The serendipity and stability that comes with the color blue makes a person feel a little liteweight and free. No wonder people forget about responsibilities while mindlessly scrolling down Facebook or Twitter. Blue also provides a certain amount of strength that drives away agitation on some level. If we look at the Brands that have blue in their logos; LinkedIn, Ford, Samsung, Dell, IBM, Skype, Nokia, HP, Intel; the tech companies are taking it all.

Black and White

“Black and white”, one might say it’s an oddly plain heading. Yes, plain and simple. That is what black and white depicts. The simplicity in it creates a space of mundane, but informative structure that allows people to look into a product’s core value and therefore, understand the competency of it.

I really dont wanna start with Batman, or Playboy. A rather good start can be Apple, Louis Vuitton, or one might even say Nike. All of these brands have a really high value in terms of the quality of their products. And there’s Gucci and MTV too. If you still don’t get my point, then i’ve got one sentence for you.

Black and White lets the product speak for itself.

What does your brand speak about?

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