4 benefits of Hype Marketing internship for your Placement

apurva maniar
Hype Marketing
Published in
4 min readOct 21, 2020

Today’s world is a VUCA world. Hence to get a right job becomes very difficult, as the needs and demands of market is always changing. This leads the need of multi skilled marketing personals who are equipped with various marketing skills which can give benefits to a company and helps to sustain them. As social media has emerges as a game changing marketing platform with various benefits the way of business has been changed totally. Hence now students can’t only rely on the classroom traditional learning.

“Schooling doesn’t assure employment but skill does”

Mainly colleges help you to get knowledge. Knowledge and skills are the two terms that describes the competence of an individual. Both of them seem similar at first glance but give it some thought and you will know that both of them are very different terms. Knowledge refers to a person’s learning concepts, values and information concerning a specific topic(s) through books, media, encyclopedias, academic institutions and other outlets. Skill refers to the ability to use and incorporate the information in a context. In other words, knowledge refers to theory and skill refers to successfully applying that theory in practice and getting expected results. Skills can be acquired by practically doing any work. Here internships come into play. Internships gives you the practical hands-on experience which helps you to get skilled. For college students, internships are one of the easiest opportunities to get their foot in the door right out of school for future jobs. In fact, the National Association of Colleges and Employers found among those students who took on paid internships that these students had a 72% chance of getting a job offer. That’s why today we’re going to be looking at the 5 primary benefits of working as a marketing intern.

Gain Experience

As a college student, finding someone who’s willing to let you get hands on your target industry experience can be very challenging. Because most job openings, including entrance-level positions, require some kind of industry experience, internships are often the only way a student can get that experience. Learning by discussion and text in the classroom is one thing, but in reality working on a marketing campaign for a company is quite another opportunity. An even bigger advantage for this generation of students is that many older executives and workers are less familiar with digital media, so you can really make a real difference.

Increase Your Confidence

One challenge that many college students, and even recent graduates, face is that when compared to a more seasoned applicant, they are not confident in their skill set. When a college student is put in an internship and sees that they are actually able to do the job for which they have been preparing, there is no doubt that it gives them more faith that they are actually qualified for the internship. Additionally, when an intern goes to a full-time job interview, they now have the courage to turn up with references, a resume, and clear talking points.

Increasing Your Network

It is a word you hear during college, and by the end you’re probably so sick of it. There’s certainly truth though, that your network is the most important thing you can create. Even if you’ve got a great resume, it doesn’t matter if you can’t get anyone to take a look. The cold hard reality is that the labour market is now so competitive that there is just a slim possibility that a recruiter will even look at your resume if you apply cold. However, if you have a contact inside a corporation, the reality is very different. A new study published on LinkedIn found that networking fills over 80 percent of job vacancies.

Earning a Job

If you’re able to impress your employer, then it’s highly likely that they’re going to want to fill a position with a candidate who already understands that company’s work culture and expectations. This will always help you to get a comfortable start to your career.

Now, you have the information, how important an internship is to your future, you have to think about where you should be doing that.

While there are several companies offering internships in Digital Marketing, you need to be careful about free and once charged. Some company will pay you during the internship, some will give it cost-free without payment and some will provide it by requesting a number. IoTIoT provides internship with a live marketing project where you will learn-

· Consumer Psychology

· Content Writing

· Influencer Marketing

· Mastery in Morden AI Tools

Overall, the inference is- whether you’re a student in college or a fresher without experience, an internship is really important to you. It will make you completely prepared in the future for what you want to do. Now you know how important marketing internship is. But you might be thinking of where to start learning marketing? IoTIoT.in is one such organization where people like you learn marketing and gain the skills which help to make you successful in the future. We all see people making a huge amount of money through marketing themselves or their product/service. You too can learn marketing tactics go to Click here to join the community.

