How social media marketing is changing the way of marketing?

apurva maniar
Hype Marketing
Published in
4 min readNov 8, 2020

Marketing isn’t just a significant part of business success — it’s the business. Everything else in the organisation is marketing related. Mark Cuban, owner of Dallas Mavericks, and other media and entertainment firms, put it as succinctly as possible: “No sales. No company”

What does marketing actually mean?

The term “marketing” covers many different items, all connected to the selling of your company’s products and services. The most apparent marketing practice is advertisement, but so is customer analysis, which better matches the needs and preferences of the consumer for your product. Brand design is also a form of marketing, since it helps align the company’s goods and services to the needs of known consumers.

Marketing is not only a selling process, marketing is combined of many more things.Marketing is more focused on customer satisfaction while selling is process of exchange of goods for monitory benefits.

What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing is a type of marketing where we use social media platforms such as Facebook,Instagram,YouTube,Google+,Twitter etc. to attain their marketing objectives.


  • Users: 1.73 billion daily active users worldwide
  • Audience: Generation X and millennials
  • Industry impact: B2C
  • Best for: Brand awareness; advertising


  • Users: 126 million daily active users worldwide
  • Audience: Primarily millennials
  • Industry impact: B2B and B2C
  • Best for: Public relations; customer service


  • Users: 1 billion monthly active users
  • Audience: Primarily millennials
  • Industry impact: B2C
  • Best for: Natural-looking media, behind-the-scenes, and user-generated content; advertising


  • Users: 675 million monthly active users worldwide
  • Audience: Baby boomers, Generation X, and millennials
  • Industry impact: B2B
  • Best for: B2B relationships, business development, and employment marketing


  • Users: Over 2 billion logged-in monthly users worldwide
  • Audience: Millennials, closely followed by Generation Z
  • Industry impact: B2C
  • Best for: Brand awareness; entertainment, and how-to videos

Benefits of Social Media Marketing

1. Increase Brand Awareness

In 2019, there were over 3.2 billion people on social media globally. Due to the sheer amount of people on social media, you can see why ensuring your business is sharing content related to your products as well as details about your company via a platform or two has the potential to help you improve brand awareness.

In fact, social media has been proven to boost brand awareness by driving up engagement. Social engagement includes things like comments, likes, shares, and re-posts. Social media also helps you increase brand awareness by directing traffic straight to your site. You can do this by including direct links to your website in your profile, bio, and posts.

2. Generate Leads and Boost Conversions

Promoting and sharing your products on social media is a simple way to improve lead generation, boost conversions, and increase sales because you’re advertising to people who have opted to engage with you by following your account.

3. Foster Relationships With Customers

You’ll be able to create enduring connections between them and your company by communicating and interacting with your social media followers. Through engaging with them on your posts, responding to their questions and comments, and providing them with any assistance they can need, you can do this.

You may also ask questions about your items, their pain points, or create giveaways to help build trust and show them how much you appreciate their feedback and support.

4. Learn From Competitors

Social networking is a perfect place to keep track on your rivals, whether it’s in terms of their social networking strategies, the goods they advertise, the initiatives they’re introducing, or their level of followers’ engagement.

Social media allows you to look at what your competition is and isn’t working for, and then lets you determine what should or shouldn’t change in terms of the approach to your company. Finally, analyzing your competitors’ social media will help ensure that your content stands out and is exclusive to your brand.

Steps to Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy

  1. Research your buyer personas and audience
  2. Determine which social platforms you’ll market on
  3. Create unique and engaging content
  4. Organize a schedule for your posts
  5. Analyze your impact and results


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