Influencer marketing types which your competitor knows

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Hype Marketing


Influencer marketing is an undertaking — you have to spend time to make sure you find the best influencer to support content that appeals to your target audience to get it best. You may need to spend money and/or energy on rewarding the influencer, run different campaigns with the influencer, and more depending on the particular marketing objectives. Lets know deeply about the various types of influencers and how they can be matched with your business.There are five types of influencers which are as follows,

  1. Micro-influencer
  2. Celebrity influencer
  3. Blog influencer
  4. Social media influencer
  5. Key opinion leader

1. Micro-Influencer

Micro-influencers within their niche have a relatively small following of thousands or tens of thousands of individuals. They create meaningful content for their audience and use social media channels, blogs, other published articles , websites, and forums to connect with them.

Usually they have high interaction rates due to the scale of their audience and the type of content they produce. Having a smaller audience helps micro-influencers to connect more frequently (as opposed to a celebrity with millions of fans) through their channel with the people who follow them. This makes them attractive to connect with their target group for companies looking to establish personal relationships.

2. Celebrity Influencer

Celebrity influencers are prominent individuals with great achievements — usually in the millions — that are known in many industries. They are well known and therefore have the ability to impact the target audience quite successfully.

Even if your target audience is not overlapping with all the fans of your celebrity influencer, endorsing them and/or using your product or service is a powerful type of social proof. Since celebrities are so well known, they are successful in attracting various audiences through different platforms.

3. Blog Influencer

A blog influencer is someone who writes for their existing blog and has thousands of subscribers and followers, or millions of them. Their scope and popularity separated them from other bloggers (meaning they ‘re not either writing about themselves or a very small group).

4. Social Media Influencer

Social media influencers are well-recognized on social networks like Instagram , YouTube, Facebook , or Twitter, and thousands or even millions of people follow them. Influencers in social media share content on a wide variety of subjects such as fitness, sports, vehicles, food, outdoor activities, travel, fashion , art, beauty and interior design.

5. Key Opinion Leader

Key opinion leaders (KOLs) are high-level experts within a specific field on a specialised topic. For example, a KOL may be skilled in the application of makeup, the Paleo lifestyle, or Bikram yoga. If your company is looking to recruit audience members in a very specific area, a KOL is a great choice — because of their expert expertise on a particular subject, KOLs are valued experts in their industries and have follow-ups from people who are also involved in those topics.

From above information we can understand the various types of influencer marketing and what are the differences between them. But the much more important question which rise here is how can we use this to grow our business? how this can help us for reaching a target group of our business? For this knowledge you need to work on the influencer marketing more. You can get to know the exact answers of this and the important strategies with in their Hype marketing skilling program which also provides live project for practical experience. . CLICK HERE

