Deepak Kumar
Hype Marketing
Published in
2 min readOct 8, 2020


The A — Z Of What Is Hype Marketing

Hype refers to the publicity and enthusiasm you generate for your product or service. Although publicity usually comes from marketing and promotional activities, word-of-mouth campaigns often result.

But be cautious, as exaggeration can carry a negative connotation, making potential customers fear that your claims are inaccurate and misleading. Establish a market for goods and services you can’t deliver can backfire and end up costing you more in lost sales.

These are the following steps you can follow to hype market your product:

  1. Find the features and benefits of your product or service that you can claim as “must-haves.” One of the hallmarks of marketing hype is to create a need, instilling in customers the idea that they can’t live without something.
  2. Saturate your market with media advertising, public relations campaigns, coupons, and direct mail. When consumers see your brand everywhere they turn, they’ll begin talking about it, creating the word-of-mouth hype that lends credence to the trend you’re aiming to create.
  3. Present a spokesperson in your ad who personifies a trendsetter for your demographics. For example, if you are promoting a new cellphone app, use a teen or young adult to market your product. A service geared toward seniors might get the hype you’re shooting for through an ad featuring a local coach or older celebrity weatherman. Hire big-name celebrities if your budget allows.
  4. Build a sense of urgency that encourages shoppers to act quickly. According to the Media Awareness Network, keeping only a small supply available can prompt customers to hurry in to get their product. Present offers for a limited time or play up the fact that your products are part of a trend. If you’re promoting an event, build hype in the fact that your last presentation sold out within minutes or days. Take care, though, because running out too soon can leave customers disappointed.
  5. Take advantage of social media that uses electronic word-of-mouth marketing. For many demographic groups, including professionals, college students, and high school teens, hype begins and ends on their personal social networking pages or in the latest tweet from their networks of friends and followers.

You should be aware of this marketing strategy when using it, and you must give at least 6 months to produce ROI. YouTube channels can be a great hype source.

If you want to learn Hype Marketing, you can join our community at, where we provide the Hype Marketing Skilling program for free. In this course, you will get to learn under the guidance of a mentor, and also you will get a live project.

For more insights for this skilling program, please pay a visit to and know more about this program.

