Why Digital Marketing is Cuter Than a Kitten?

Deepak Kumar
Hype Marketing
Published in
4 min readOct 14, 2020

Customers today have access to information whenever and wherever they want it or need it. Thanks to the Internet and globalization, most people across the globe can access information from computers, tablets, or mobile devices. What business owners should note is that everyone can affect their business image through social media and you can be sure that your customer feedback will be more trustworthy for others to read than your own one.

Why Digital Marketing is so important and gives you so many benefits?

Because via electronic channels and by posting positive comments, feedbacks about your company/product you (and your happy customers) can attract new customers and build long-lasting relationships. But, be careful! It works both ways! Happy customers can help you, but unhappy customers can harm your business very seriously. That’s why as a business owner make sure you always remember about the following points:

Encourage engagement through digital media.

You can simply acquire new clients via ex. Social Media channels. When doing so, ensure you segment them into different customer groups according to their interests. Later, you will be able to interact with them and encourage various actions.

The more likes the better!

As part of Digital Marketing — Social Media is underestimated. It’s a big mistake because your “Facebook” likes or “Twitter” shares can help your company grow as they build credibility and trust. They also bring traffic to the website and are costless. What you have to do is to insert a Social Media plugin onto your site and keep updating your customers about the company news, discounts, etc. Bear in mind to schedule the frequency of updates and not to overwhelm them with too much information at once. You may be surprised by the outcome.

Digital marketing is measurable

When you invest money into a marketing campaign, you want to track the results of the campaign. It’s important to know if a strategy is driving results that help your business grow. One of the most significant benefits of a digital marketing strategy is the ability to measure your results.

While traditional methods can be extremely effective, it’s hard to measure that effectiveness.

There is no clear way to track the origin of leads with traditional methods without asking every person that visits your business. With digital marketing methods, you can accurately track the results of your campaign.

Get ahead of your competitors

Every year more and more businesses give up traditional advertising methods and focus on SEO, Google Adwords, or Social Media spending huge money on these resources. This is the reason why the market gets increasingly competitive and big players get ahead of little companies. As a small business on the market, you cannot compete with them but there is something you can do. You can use the Google alerts tool to monitor your competitors. This tool will allow you to track your competitor's products and marketing strategies so that you can learn something from them and improve your own business strategy.

Digital marketing allows you to target ideal customers

To have an effective marketing campaign, you must reach the right people. You have to reach people interested in your business and that wants to hear from you. Out of all the perks, the most significant advantage of online marketing is the ability to target people specifically.

Targeting people with traditional marketing methods is difficult. Generally, your message goes to everyone in hopes of reaching people interested in your business. It’s a challenge to obtain enough leads to justify your marketing costs.

With digital marketing, you reach people interested in your business. You can specifically target consumers with interest in your company, services, or products. It’s a level of depth that traditional marketing can’t match.

Hype Marketing

Hype marketing is considered as one of the best forms of digital marketing in which you basically generate publicity for your product or service. In this, we make our product visible to our target segment for a continuous period of time, mostly through social, media. Besides being a very effective form of digital marketing, many people are not aware of this.

If you are interested in learning Hype Marketing, you can join the free Hype Marketing Skilling program being provided by IoTIoT.in. In this program, you will get the learnings along with practicing, guided by a full-time mentor. Also, there will be a live project where you can practice your learnings. Real-time doubt-clearance is not a problem in this program. After the successful completion of this program, you will get a BLOCK-CHAIN-based certificate, which is again a new thing in the market. Also, you will get an internship offer based on your performance in the program.

For more information related to this skilling program, please visit http://iotiot.in/marketinginternship/ and grab this opportunity. For any question or suggestion, let’s have a discussion in the comment section!!!

