Get Started In NFTs with HypeDAO -guest blog by Purpledot

Published in
4 min readJun 28, 2022

What an NFT is:

NFT: the super-popular word everywhere and is the buzzword in everyone’s mouth.

NFT: the weird acronym that few people understand, but everyone is talking about.

NFT: stand for Non-Fungible Tokens! Does that make it easier? I guess not, but now you can have a glimpse of what’s fungible and not.

The world Non-Fungible implies that the asset or object is unique and can’t be replaced with something else. It can’t be the same as anything else; i.e., Bitcoin is fungible — trade one for another Bitcoin. A one-of-a-kind trading or game card is, however, non-fungible.

Wikipedia thus defines NFTs as a financial security consisting of digital data stored on a blockchain, a form of a distributed ledger. The ownership of an NFT is recorded in the blockchain. The owner can transfer the NFT, allowing NFTs to be sold and traded.

Often NFTs reference digital files, such as photos, videos, and audio. Because NFTs are uniquely identifiable, they’re different from other cryptocurrencies, which are fungible.

NFTs exist typically in the digital universe, you can’t touch them, but you can own them. You can use it only in the digital world -like Metaverse.


Art can be defined as a surreal expression, a form of detailed application from the imaginations, creativity, and springs often as a way of communication or stand to pose as a person’s voice, style, and tribe. Typically visual; from sculpting, painting, Poetry, beading, music, writing, dance, weaving, and so much more.

Arts are created consciously in the expression of imagination or skill. Thus primary made for the eyes to appreciate and experience emotional power.

NFT Arts are authentic creative use of imaginations or skills in creating aesthetic objects used or valued in the digital world. NFT Arts come in various forms.

NFT art can include artwork, collectibles, music, video game assets, virtual land, NFT fashion, and real-life assets, to name a few

Artists create this form of NFT Arts from diverse walks of life, making it interesting. Every day more people are getting inclined toward digital arts and NFTs, thus making the need for promotions important. Various platforms dived into the promotion of NFTs as well.

Large market places also go way ahead in marketing their collections everywhere. They make it possible for their creators to reach a high-quality level of audience — marketplaces such as Paras, Mintbase, UniqArt, Apollo42, The Auction, and Few and Far. There are vast amounts of marketplaces to trade and buy NFT Arts.

Ways NFT Arts can be promoted:

  1. Promote on Instagram: Make posts of unfinished arts. Show your audience how you made the art and the process. This helps your audience connect more to your art, other than a perfect finished work. A finished project is no doubt a big shot but carrying along your audience during the process creates more connections.
  2. Use appropriate hashtags: Using hashtags have become a proper way to promote arts on different platforms. This helps users in different interfaces to be able to find and interact with your projects.
  3. Join Discord servers: Discord, no doubt, is one top platform to connect and build a solid community of fans and supporters. The community on Discord is based mainly on crypto, blockchains & NFTs. Therefore, taking your arts here will give it a better and larger reach.
  4. Promote on Reddit: Promoting on Reddit is vast. You can’t just be a lurker and expect bigger engagement and upvotes. You have to be a Redditor, engage in the community, join subreddits to target your specific niches, bring value, and use Reddit’s marketing tools.
  5. Promote on Telegram channels: Joining valuable channels on Telegram can help promote your arts. Engaging and shilling respectively.
  6. Promote on Twitter: Twitter is one powerful community where you can get your arts out into the right hands, keep it short, also time your tweets.
  7. Use paid adverts etc —


Art is something that evolves with time, and its use can never be overemphasised. Perhaps, underrated. Art comes with meaning and healing. The digital world is a great one because its replicas are the same as unique arts of day to day in real life.

Arts can be included in concepts such as interpretation, expression, representation, and form. It is related philosophically to beauty and taste.

Art is not just a visualisation for the eye to behold, but it’s for the emotions to feel. In fact, Art is Life.

However, one significance of art is that it’s man-made. Although some studies from the 20th century tend to oppose that, declaring that found objects are works of art. The artist’s perception of them as such makes them so, even if the objects were not made by a human and not modified in any way (except by exhibition) from their natural state.

NFT arts, however are totally man-made. Since no object can Casually be found in the digital world, except only if owned or created by a user.

“Article on NFT Arts, Marketing and promotions”

Purpledot ©️

Ready to bring your art to the blockchain? HypeDAO can help! Contact us for resources to start selling your art or collecting art as NFTs and onboarding to NEAR Protocol.


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Your Purple Friend 🦄• Magic Maker 🪄• Poet• Bibliotherapist . Storyteller• born to live freely / born to love wildly• Helplessly in Love! Call Me Purpledot 💜