Hyperloop Right Around The Corner?

Evan Melle
Hyper Loop Into The Future
2 min readOct 3, 2018

The Hyperloop may be closer then we think. In 2013, Elon Musk and his team at SpaceX envisioned the hyperloop and shared their idea with the world. Ever since then the Hyperloop has gone through many stages in its life and yesterday, Tuesday, October 2, 2018, the hyperloop had an advancement in its development cycle. Hyperloop Transportation Technologies or HTT unveiled its first-ever full-size hyperloop pod and the CEO of HTT, Dirk Ahlborn says that their goal is to have this pod up and running in a Hyperloop tube in under three years.

This is a significant accomplishment in the Hyperloop life cycle because this is the first ever full sized pod to be built with the intent to carry freight or passengers. According to Ahlborn, “It’s sooner than anybody would expect.” (Schulze,2018) After seeing the pod and hearing that it’s planned to be up and running in three years one can expect that the Hyperloop will see many adaptions and perfections in this short period and the unveiling of the first pod design is the first step in this process of making Hyperloop a mainstream form of transportation.

One of the biggest concerns that HTT has been dealing with is the legality issues behind hyperloop travel. They have explained that at this point passengers will have to sign a wavier to board a Hyperloop pod because lawmakers and regulators are still trying to work out the logistics of hyperloop travel. Schulze explains in the article that HTT has focused most of their resources creating a legal framework for the Hyperloop (Schulze,2018). Just last year HTT announced a partnership with a well-respected insurance company called Munich Re. They are working together to compose a list of regulatory requirements for hyperloop travel.

The development of Hyperloop travel is becoming more of a reality. Companies are showing their pods to the world and are scheduling test dates. Also, actions are being taken to make sure the legality issues behind travel will be taken care of. Everything is being done that needs to be and we can expect to see the Hyperloop in our near future.


Schulze, E. (2018, October 02). Ground transport at 760 mph: New hyperloop passenger pod unveiled. Retrieved October 3, 2018, from https://www.cnbc.com/2018/10/02/ground-transport-at-760-mph-new-hyperloop-passenger-pod-unveiled.html

