Hyperloop One Testing This Year?

Evan Melle
Hyper Loop Into The Future
2 min readOct 1, 2018

The company Virgin Hyperloop One is an American technology company that has the goal to bring the high speed pod transportation system in which a pod moves through a closed tube that is under extremely low pressure into our society where people and freight can move from one location to another in unthinkably short travel times.

A section of the low pressure tube the XP-1 is scheduled to travel through during its first test run.

Hyperloop in its most basic form is a new way of transportation that moves freight and people at fast speeds in a safe manner. According to the Virgin Hyperloop One website the hyperloop is a vehicle that floats above the track using maglev technology and moves at extreme speeds due to low aerodynamic drag. They go onto explain that since the hyperloop is autonomous and in a closed system they are able to eliminate pilot error and weather complications. Since the hyperloop is run on electric propulsion the system clean and has no direct carbon emissions.

A short but detailed explanation on how the hyperloop works.

According to the Q&A section on the company website Virgin Hyperloop one claims that this is the perfect time to start the research and development of a hyperloop transportation system. In 2013, once Elon Musk released his research and draw up of what a hyperloop system could look like, Virgin new this was their time to start developing their own hyperloop design. Several of the technologies needed to create the hyperloop already exist such as linear electric motors, maglev, and vacuum pumps. This made creating the XP-1 pod simple because they had the technologies and the basic design in front of them, their goal was to innovate the technology and improve the system with a goal of freight and passenger travel.

The world is growing and advancing every single year, as the global economy rises the need for faster transportation of people and freight will become more important. The hyperloop has the ability to bring a fast, cheap, clean and safe way to get from point to point. The world hasn’t seen a major new form of transportation in 100 years (Virgin). The hyperloop checks many necessary boxes and has the potential to become the most efficient way to travel from city to city.


Facts & Frequently Asked Questions. (n.d.). Retrieved September 29, 2018, from https://hyperloop-one.com/facts-frequently-asked-questions

