Buy the Hype of the Hyperloop

Evan Melle
Hyper Loop Into The Future
2 min readSep 29, 2018

The hyperloop is a complicated system of tubes which can either be built underground or above ground. This system would require a lot of city building and panning beforehand and may be a staple in every major city. Before this is a reality many actions need to take place and one major one has to do with government involvement and regulation. Without government involvement it would be hard to see wide spread use of the hyperloop throughout the United States. Planning and negotiating between states needs to be done and the government needs to approve rail location.

The United States government has a branch that deals with transportation and has engineers that are experts in the forms of transportation such as car, plane and train and According to Transport Revolutions Moving People and Freight Without Oil, “The current expertise in the US in respect to transport infrastructure mostly concerns highway engineering and planning” (Gilbert and Perl, 2008). Gilbert and Perl go on to explain that as a decrease in highway expansion programs takes places many public-sector highway engineers, planners and project managers will be left without jobs. A way in which these people become experts in the hyperloop needs to be thought up because these people have experience and will be able to work on hyperloop public projects with great efficiency and success.

The experts that work for the government in the sector that deals with hyperloop transportation will need to create several regulations that hyperloop production will need to follow. Sending people in a tube at high speeds sounds dangerous so several building regulations will need to be put in place to ensure that everyone is safe. Also, weather needs to be considered, hyperloop tubes that are built above ground need to take into account natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes and tsunamis. Research needs to be done and a building material and design needs to be created that ensures the least chance of something malfunctioning in the system.

The United States government needs to form a sector of government that deals with the development of the hyperloop because without the government the hyperloop will have a hard time becoming a staple in our future.


Gilbert, R., & Perl, A. (2010). Transport revolutions: Moving people and freight without oil. Philadelphia, PA: New Society.

