Evan Melle
Hyper Loop Into The Future
2 min readSep 26, 2018


Let’s “Loop” Back to The Start

My Topic

The research topic that I have chosen is the hyperloop. The hyperloop is a concept that can be used for passenger transportation or freight transportation. In short, the hyperloop is a tube or system of tubes in which a train pod-like structure can move freely inside without any air or resistance to slow it down. This idea allows the pod to move at extreme speeds and allows the system to run very efficiently because there is no friction.


This topic interests me because if this form of transportation were to exist then the world would be a completely different place. People and objects would be able to get from point A to point B in record times. Take New York City and Los Angeles for example. By plane the trip from city to city would be about eight hours and by train the trip would take you 18 hours but if a hyperloop tunnel linked the two cities together the travel time between cities would only be about four and a half hours. The idea of faster means of transpiration I think is extremely important in the future because this will allow society to improve at a faster rate.

Importance to Others

Other people would be interested in this technology since they can travel at a faster rate then they already were traveling. Business people can be in the office in downtown Manhattan in the morning and make it to Los Angeles later that afternoon for a meeting. Also, people going on vacation would love this form of transpiration because long transpiration times always eats into the short amount of time you have at a vacation spot. When you only have a certain amount of time to explore a location and have fun, every single minute counts and the hyperloop is a great way to enjoy your vacation a little bit more.


I believe that hyperloop is the future. I plan to research the history of the hyperloop and then follow up by looking into how realistic the idea is and when we can expect to see it in everyday use. Some question I am going to look to answer would be, when can pedestrians expect to be able to use the hyperloop to travel the world? How much will it cost to use the hyperloop and how much will the hyperloop cost to build?

