Jon Morgan
Hyper Notes
Published in
2 min readJan 12, 2016


I have been reading news in summary services such as Ozy and Skimmit which give you only the basic information you need to know. If there was a service that forced you to write concisely (somewhere between Medium and Twitter) then perhaps a daily deliver-at-noon messaging service would have real high value.

Or maybe the service asked you for an executive summary, and it’s this summary that’s sent but if the person wanted to know more they would click a link to read your full post. So, for this post I’m writing you might get:

I like your idea but I think the information would need to be shorter somehow when it’s delivered. I am sharing some ideas on how it could work. Click here to read.

So maybe it would be a little better, but in a split second you would decide if you want to read more or if you’ve learned enough.

I like the way that Medium allows you to respond to specific words or phrases by highlighting them, so in the long read version it would be great if you had the option of responding back to certain parts of the message. It could be an improvement on Google’s notifications for their document notifications; the volume makes them almost impractical. Maybe the service would force people to summarize their comments:

Like your ideas, Jon. Also, you have three spelling errors.

Okay, so I am getting the gist of what you thought and know where to look when I see the document.

Maybe the service would attach questions in a separate section, and people would respond to those outside of the message or document. What do I need from my reader? Or what do I need them to do?

Show that under the executive summary and I think the user would know everything they need to before they drill down. They can answer the questions without reading the whole thing — maybe the questions are the message — but only if they feel confident enough. As you said, with the waiting period they could come back, read the long form part of the message, and change their response.



Jon Morgan
Hyper Notes

I’m excited about the opportunities which are presented to us by the Internet and Technology. I am researching different ways in which content can be delivered.