What If There Really Are Fine People on Both Sides?

A Tale Of Two Protests

H. Elizabeth Falk
Hyperbole Is Killing Us


Photo by Greg Jeanneau on Unsplash

Just because Donald Trump said something, does not necessarily make it 100% wrong. I know that’s hard for liberals like me to accept but it’s true. Sometimes he says something that is accurate but not in the way that he intended it. I realized this recently after observing two political protests.

Over the Labor Day weekend, I saw a Black Lives Matter protest in Shelton, Washington. It’s a small rural town on the Olympic Peninsula with about 10,000 people. It’s an economically depressed former lumber town and the population is over 95% White. There were counter protestors there who outnumbered the BLM folks, who appeared to be locals, about four to one. Several of the counter protestors were young men who had open carry guns and were wearing paramilitary clothing.

The Black Lives Matter group carried signs and chanted slogans while they slowly walked for a few blocks around the town. The counter protestors began swarming around them and shouting their own slogans trying to drown them out.

I saw a counter protestor, a woman who looked like she was in her 50’s, walk up to a teenage girl carrying a sign that said Black Lives Matter. She put her face directly in hers, almost touching noses and screeched at the top of her lungs ALL LIVES MATTER! ALL…



H. Elizabeth Falk
Hyperbole Is Killing Us

Proud lefty, libtard, commie pinko. I write about things the left can be doing to clean up our side of the political divide. Hyperbole is killing this country.