10 Reasons Why Blockhub Has a Serious Jump on Things

Aalap Davjekar
Published in
6 min readMay 2, 2018
Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

The Blockchain is a force for disruption. In looking at its possible impact on global business and industry, we see a time when contemporary centralized services will be outnumbered or altogether replaced by peer-to-peer power, and that future may not be too far away.

Decentralization offers a host of new services with a wealth of features — from storage and security to processing, governance and value exchange. An example of such services is Blockhub, a digital distribution platform currently being developed by Hyperbridge, conceived with the quest to unify application development, promotion, sales, and the new technological parallels offered by blockchain technology into one cohesive package.

Here we’ll take a close look at some emerging trends that’ll give us perspective on the cutting-edge possibilities blossoming out of Web 3.0.

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1. A Decentralized Application Platform

Blockhub is a platform for decentralized applications (dApps). The service provides a singular point of entry to a dApp environment and ecosystem. Blockhub provides the user interface and mechanisms to develop, fund, launch, manage, and monetize applications on the Blockhub network.

Blockhub will facilitate the development and operation of various micro-economies, the first of which will focus on the independent game sector. Blockhub will serve as a launchpad for small and medium-sized game studios and developers: providing support, tool-kits, marketing and fundraising opportunities in order to improve their competitiveness and increase their ability to succeed.

2. A Marketplace and Exchange

Blockhub is a smart-contract-enabled marketplace and a service that integrates new and existing decentralised applications. Smart-contracts allow users to trade, exchange value and services, promote interests, and benefit from the revenue generated through services and the general crypto-economy. The service will provide built-in wallet support for primary cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.

3. A Hub for Crowdfunding

Blockhub is a peer-to-peer system of exchange. The platforms fosters a direct relationship between developer and consumer.

Since the nature of the blockchain allows users and developers to exchange value without an intermediary, it surpasses the limitations of centralized crowdfunding solutions like Kickstarter and Indiegogo.

Decentralization turns the exchange of value into something akin to the style of traditional, real-world marketplaces, that is, it completely removes regulations and establishes a hindrance-free experience.

The lack of a traditional intermediary removes transaction costs, increasing efficiency, and further incentivizes exchange, enabling independent developers and studios to gain access to the capital necessary for them to develop their products and businesses.

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4. An Integrated Computing Platform

Blockchains are powered by networked computers that ‘pool’ their resources to host the network. Blockchains typically harness magnitudes more than the computational power supplied by traditional server farms.

When a user launches an application on the Blockhub network, they are, in essence interacting with shared services and protocols utilized by Blockhub apps powered by every computer on the network.

While Blockhub integrates traditional software onto its blockchain, the applications running within the Blockhub environment utilize the same ‘Core Framework’ (infrastructure, channels, and protocols), meaning applications can easily be developed to interact and communicate with each other without hassle. This may be of great consequence when designing a group of distinct yet interdependent applications without the need to develop additional layers of software to support the interdependency.

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5. A Search Engine

With the development of a recommendation engine that returns a search query based on user preferences, frequency, history, and heuristics,

Blockhub aims to solve the current problem with traditional application platforms, content delivery, and aggregator service that proffer useless advertising, ambiguous recommendations, and biased search results.

6. Monetization/”Tokenization”

Streamlined and secure methods of monetization is central to the notion of a Universal Basic Income and a more efficient means of income redistribution.

The most altruistic step forward for a disruptive technology would be the empowerment of everyone using it.

Blockhub will provide a straightforward way to monetize and tokenize applications and services. Users and developers will find the Blockhub environment mutually beneficial with greater control over the aspects of software they’d like to monetize.

For example, users may find it in their interest to monetize the data they generate with the applications they use. Developers may choose to incentivize the use of their applications by monetizing or tokenizing in-app features, achievements, unlockables, timely quotas, etc.

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7. AI-Driven User Interface

In time, Blockhub will develop and transition in to a customizable user interface that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to adjust the properties of the interface to suit each individual user as per their unique preferences and abilities. This is a critical step in creating the next-generation of UIs that reduce the barrier to entry and the technical difficulty associated with blockchain solutions.

The Blockhub ecosystem is also being designed for eventual use with Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Mixed Reality through the use of heads-up displays (HUDs). The service will seamlessly integrate virtual reality with real-world utility.

8. Portability

Applications hosted by the Blockhub network need not be constantly re-downloaded and updated. Since applications will share frontend and backend protocols, there is no requirement to install separate instances of code to run each application.

For example, instead of working with versions for different operating systems (e.g. Windows, Mac OS, Android, Linux, etc.) the use of BlockHub implies three major improvements against classic apps, namely:

a) No need to port or maintain dApps per each operating system and in fact, this practice would become eventually turn obsolete.

b) The ability to be accessed where required. For example, a user profile populated with extensions (such as dApps) can be accessible where it is invoked from different devices with the user’s authorization.

c) User experience isn’t limited to physical devices (e.g. touchscreens) as its implementation can be used to build Virtual Reality spaces, integrated with IoT devices such as Cars, Smart Homes, etc.

Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

9. Privacy

Integrity of information is in the nature of the blockchain. This means that data, once verified by miners, is turned into a block, and remains a secure and invariant piece of information that can only be authorized with a private key. Blockhub builds on this facet to minimize data being stolen or ‘leaked’ by unauthorized entities.

The contemporary critique of Big Data stems from the repeated violation of user trust. Our recent article called into question the actions of several large players and their inherent motivations, giving us impetus to store and transmit information in a more secure manner.

10. Censorship

Much like the Internet has made the censorship of information beyond the scope of traditional forms of authority, modern day governments find it increasingly difficult to regulate and interfere with communications based on blockchain networks.

This is possible due to the fact that decentralized blockchains are not owned by any single entity. Therefore, applications, services, and data utilized and stored on these blockchains may not be modified or shutdown by a single point of interest.

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Services like BlockHub represent an unprecedented technological paradigm shift for both users and developers. The future of peer-to-peer is looking brighter than ever.

While the nature of blockchain technology demonstrates what were mere concepts only a decade ago, the implementations of the technology are already changing the rules of the game in ways that we have just begun to grasp, the repercussions of which are profoundly exciting.

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Aalap Davjekar

Technical writer and web developer based in Goa, India. Passionate about working at the intersection of art and technology.