Behind the scenes : HyperCycle community update #1

Jack Bagayoko
Published in
6 min readJul 22, 2023

Dear community,

Upon concluding an impactful Token Generation Event (TGE) in early May, our dedicated team has been working diligently and dynamically, forming invaluable partnerships and meticulously developing the essential components for the smooth operation of HyperCycle.

Today, we are pleased to provide some details to facilitate a deeper understanding of our current activities, growth trajectories, and growth management strategies. This is possible due to your unwavering support, which has been instrumental in propelling HyperCycle to its current position. While numerous partnership dialogues are still in progress, we believe it’s time to ramp up our communication with you.

So let’s delve into the details!

Defi : Catalyzing Liquidity Through Incentives

Understanding that liquidity is the lifeblood of decentralized exchanges, we strive to offer our community a seamless trading experience. To achieve this, we’ve embarked on a new liquidity incentive program in collaboration with SingularityDAO. We encourage our users to generate HYPC-ETH and HYPC-BNB Liquidity Pairs on the SingularityDAO Dapp and deploy them in Yield Vaults.

For an in-depth tutorial about LP management, please read here.


Disclaimer: Liquidity Provision comes with the risk of Impermanent Loss, please learn about this before making the decision to provide liquidity.

Addressing Unvested tokens

As many of our SingularityNET Ecosystem community members have been asking, the team is currently working on a solution to have SDAO HyPC unvested tokens participate in the Token Pool Program that will be held on on our Dapp.

As Ibby Benali, HyperCycle’s CMO, stated earlier today:

Unvested tokens will be able to be used by our faithful early supporters. They will be provided an access to a portal where they can opt-in to lock their unvested HyPC tokens for 24 months and generate bi-weekly yield by participating in the collective AI Computation on our Dapp — Ibby Benali.

A complete tutorial will be shared in due time, and we are very pleased to finally get to the bottom of this very important subject.

Team Spirit: HyperBeat Advisory unleashed

Hypercycle in motion!

Intrinsic to HyperCycle’s ethos is an undying spirit of dynamism. In line with this, we have instigated regular collaborative sessions known as HyperBeat, drawing on the insights of our esteemed Advisors in collaboration with our Business Developers to proactively identify and address any potential challenges. These could encompass issues related to hardware acquisition, nodes and license sales, among others.

This proactive approach in foreseeing and addressing potential obstacles originates from our CEO and visionary, Toufi Saliba. We’re confident the Team has all the required talents to make Toufi’s vision come true. The regular achievements and results yielded by HyperCycle serve as tangible testament to this conviction.

Conquer: Extending HyperCycle reach

Given that HyperCycle is centered around offering an ultra-efficient, cost-effective AI computation Network, it is mandatory for us to establish and consolidate robust footholds across the globe. In pursuit of this, we’ve established an exclusive Ambassador program for HyperCycle, distributed over eight distinct territorial hubs. Each Ambassador’s mandate involves strategic expansion into their assigned territory, facilitated by their advisory/team squad. Presently, we’re immersed in dynamic discussions, scouting for additional candidates, and curating bespoke content that they can deploy within their territories to secure AI market shares for HyperCycle. Watch this space for an upcoming Medium blog post on this topic!

Marketing recruitments

Given the pivotal role of global adoption for HyperCycle’s success, we have onboarded three marketing specialists. We welcome Jahangeer, our Marketing Director with a commendable track record at SDAO; Matt, a veteran in Marketing, Sales and Business Development, and Jack, a three-year veteran in DeFi, tasked with demystifying HyperCycle’s technical aspects for easy comprehension and dissemination. Recognizing the significance of fostering trust and engagement with our community, we will also roll out a ‘Meet The Team’ blog series to acquaint you with our team members.

Establishing a Conduit for Hardware Providers and AI Hardware Consumers: Introducing HyperPG

In line with our vision of creating an “AirBNB for AI compute,” HyperCycle recently unveiled a key offering, HyperPG. This unique platform will convene industry stakeholders, enabling their participation in the AI computation economy. HyperPG’s primary objective will be to generate new hardware leads, catalyzing the rapid expansion of the HyperCycle network and minimizing P2P latency to the maximum extent feasible.

Tech talks!

When it comes to the technological and hardware aspects of HyperCycle, the progress has been substantial:

From a software standpoint, in collaboration with Nunet and SingularityNET, HyperCycle Nodes’ AI Machine Software Component will transition to open-source by late July. This development will empower developers to engineer future tools for global distributed AI computing.

As for the HyperCycle Dapp, our technical team is on the cusp of introducing the platform. Here, HPC hardware owners, HyPC tokens, and Node Licenses Lenders will collaborate and participate in HyperCycle’s AI computation, facilitating the overall adoption of our global AI network.

In terms of hardware, HyperCycle is covertly crafting bespoke electronic chips optimized for AI computation. These proprietary chips can be incorporated into existing computing systems, transforming them into AI computation powerhouses and reinforcing HyperCycle’s decentralized AI network.

Websites and documentation:

We are in the process of completely reworking all HyperCycle websites. We believe that these revamped platforms will provide a more comprehensive understanding of HyperCycle’s vision and services, and we eagerly await sharing them with you

In addition, a new version of the initial Whitepaper, termed HyperCycle Core, has been added to current website. This version provides a deepdive into the unique details that distinguish HyperCycle as an innovation leader in the AI field.

We strongly encourage everyone to explore this document, as it provides valuable insights and explanations on the network’s intricate design. We will also roll out a blog series that will further explain these concepts. As is our standard practice, we will offer simplified explanations of HyperCycle’s key facets, enabling anyone to understand the fundamental principles with ease.

There’s a new Whitepaper in Town!

Last but certainly not least, in response to your interactions on our social platforms, we have been developing a comprehensive FAQ bot for our official telegram channel. Users can interact with the bot directly, challenging it with queries, and receiving appropriate responses (provided we have encountered the question previously and integrated it into the bot’s knowledge base).

Wrapping up

To state that we’ve been industrious would barely scratch the surface, but it’s precisely this dynamic environment that propels our mission to fast-track AGI emergence. From strategic consultations with our advisors and broadening our marketing personnel, to pioneering unique hardware solutions and improving liquidity on decentralized exchanges — every stride, no matter how minute, brings us nearer to our objective. And let’s not overlook the critical role our community plays in this journey. Your unwavering support propels us forward, and for this, we are profoundly grateful. As HyperCycle continues to evolve, we commit to keeping you informed through these updates. Remember, HyperCycle is more than a project or platform — it’s a collective stride towards a future of advanced AI computation, and we’re ecstatic to have you aboard! Until our next update, stay engaged, keep sharing your ingenious ideas, and let’s keep HyperCycle at the vanguard of the AI field. Cheers to an exciting future ahead!

Press Inquiries: MarketAcross

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