Behind the scenes: HyperCycle community update #2

Jack Bagayoko
Published in
5 min readSep 25, 2023

A message to our 1500 SingularityDAO community members.

Dear esteemed SingularityDAO community,

First and foremost, we’re aware of the high anticipation surrounding the integration with HyperPG’s Early Deployment Program. We wish to extend our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering patience and understanding. Today, we’re thrilled to share a solution that not only addresses the core concerns but also paves the way for a more integrated and beneficial experience for all SingularityDAO participants.

We advise you to bookmark this blog to keep posted about future updates.

Introducing the Beta Uptime Tilling:

There’s been a prevailing misconception about what the “Beta” actually is.
To ensure everyone is on the same page, we’d like to provide some clarity on this matter.

Understanding the Beta Phase:

The term “Beta” has been used to describe our current testing phase. However, it’s essential to understand the nuances of this term in the context of software development:

Alpha Testing: This is internal testing of software that’s still in development and not yet feature-complete. It’s a phase where the product undergoes rigorous internal evaluations before being released to a select group of external testers.

Beta Testing: This refers to external testing of software that’s feature-complete but might still have some bugs. It’s a phase where the product is almost ready for launch but needs real-world testing to iron out the last few issues.

Everyone Has Access to the Beta Uptime Tilling Phase

It’s crucial to reiterate that everyone is granted access to the Beta Phase of Uptime Tilling. While specific communities might offer services to sell single licenses on dedicated platforms, they all form part of this broader Beta testing phase for uptime tilling, set to span several months. Each Node Distributor operates autonomously, tailoring their approach to best serve their community. However, all these services collaborate closely with HyperPG’s infrastructure and tech team to deliver their offerings.

So, regardless of whether you engage directly with HyperPG or through other Node Distributing Platforms, you are actively participating in this Beta Uptime Tilling Phase.

In Conclusion:

Our primary goal is to keep our community informed and aligned with our progress. We hope this clarifies the current state of HyperCycle’s development and testing phases. As we continue to develop and refine HyperCycle, we appreciate your support and understanding. Remember, we’re all in this exciting journey together, and your feedback and patience are invaluable to us.

A Testament to Our Growth

To date, the enthusiasm and trust from our community have been overwhelming. Over 270,000 single node licenses have been acquired, necessitating a staggering 270M+ HyPC tokens for pairing in the Provenance Marriage process. Of this, there’s already a commitment for approximately 80M HyPC tokens to be paired with corresponding licenses on HyperPG’s EDP alone. It’s essential to grasp the magnitude of this: we’re discussing 80M tokens not just in abstract terms, but this many tokens that will be actually paired with licenses and coupled with real hardware, all set to run on the HyperCycle Network. And this number is only set to rise. The future is not just promising; it’s exhilarating!

The Challenge of Decentralisation

The SingularityDAO’s launchpad, designed for claiming vested tokens, operates on a fully decentralised mechanism. This decentralisation, while offering numerous advantages, posed challenges in terms of flexibility. Specifically, the smart contracts underpinning the launchpad are immutable, meaning once set in motion, they cannot be altered or paused. This presented a unique challenge in finding a solution that would seamlessly integrate with HyperPG’s Early Deployment Program with unvested HyPC tokens.

Bridging SingularityDAO with HyperPG’s Early Deployment Program (EDP):

Thanks to the inexhaustible collaboration between HyperCycle and SingularityDAO, we’re proud to unveil a mechanism that allows SingularityDAO participants to actively engage in the AI computation economy on the HyperCycle Network with their unvested tokens.

Key Principles and Steps

While the following process is subject to minor changes, we felt it was important to share this early stage process with our community:

Unvested tokens loaned by the Treasury:

  • The Treasury will loan the total unvested token allocation on behalf of the participant for use in HyperPG’s Early Deployment Program (EDP).

Monthly Loan reimbursement:

  • Participants can claim their vested HyPC tokens on SingularityDAO’s Launchpad at any time due to the linear vesting mechanism releasing tokens per block.
  • However, they must deposit the exact loaned amount on HyperPG’s EDP to repay the loan.

Claiming bi-weekly:

  • If you reimburse monthly, you can claim bi-weekly interest paid in HyPC for 24 months.

Monitoring Mechanism and failure at repaying the loan

  • If a participant stops repaying the loan on HyperPG’s EDP before the ultimate deadline, he/she will be removed from the EDP.
  • The participants that have not repaid the outstanding loan cannot claim their bi-weekly rewards. Furthermore, failing to repay the loan at the ultimate due date at the end of the 24-month period will result in the loss of their ability to claim all their accumulated rewards.

Deployment and Organisation:

  • A deployment date will be determined.
  • Before this date, a disclaimer about the monitoring mechanism and loan repayment will be added to the SingularityDAO launchpad.

End of EDP’s 24-month Period:

  • At the conclusion of the EDP’s 24-month engagement period, SingularityDAO public participants will be able to claim all their vested tokens at once on HyperPG’s EDP.

The Promise of the Early Deployment Program:

The EDP represents a golden opportunity to be at the forefront of the AI computation economy on the HyperCycle Network. By participating, you’re not only actively engaging with the network but also harnessing the potential of your unvested HyPC tokens.


This announcement marks a significant milestone in our journey. We remain committed to ensuring that every member has the opportunity to actively participate and benefit from the expansive HyperCycle ecosystem. Your continued support and trust fuel our drive to innovate and deliver.

Thank you for being an integral part of this journey.

Warm regards,

The HyperCycle Team.

About HyperCycle

HyperCycle is a lightweight agent-system-based agnostic blockchain architecture, supporting scalable AI microservices, Plutus Smart Contracts and Hydra-Based Cardano Interoperation are amongst the first to be included in the overall implementation. HyperCycle partakes in the implementation of the inevitable internet of AI by incorporating security by construct. While our go to market is being defined, our current successful approach has been to partner/offer miners the ability to prepare for the future of compute for AI, developers the ability to define DSLs, leverage modular smart contracts, and run any microservice and in particular AI at highly secure, inexpensive, high-speed large-scale execution, without any third party dependencies.

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