Jack Bagayoko
Published in
7 min readJan 29, 2024

Teaching the young generations about the Internet of AI

500+ students excited to learn more about AI usage!

In our mission to democratise decentralised AI, following our impactful presence at the London Edge Computing Expo and our active participation in the Open/DI Hackathon and Cardano Summit, December was marked by the seal of our ambitious journey, continuing our relentless pursuit to conquer the minds and hearts of AI enthusiasts worldwide.
Our latest endeavour was the inaugural Ironweb event, in collaboration with 10h11, engaging over 500 French students from all ISEG universities. This event not only built upon the momentum of our recent engagements but also marked a significant milestone in our mission to integrate young generations into the AI Internet era.

Open/DI Hackathon Recap | Cardano Summit Video

Let’s dive into this transformative experience, where the realms of AI and Web3 converged, weaving a vibrant tapestry of ideas, creativity, and futuristic vision.

I- Students in the ERA of Siloed AI

a) Context and rules

The students’ excitement was unmistakable, as Julien Daubert from 10h11, the Data company sponsoring this Ironweb event in collaboration with the ISEG French Universities, began his presentation.
With12 years in the data industry, Julien was thrilled to present the rules of this 2023 edition, with his usual warm, welcoming and relaxed tone dispelled any notions of AI and Web3 being mundane topics. Who said that AI/web3 were boring?
The theme was clear and compelling: this year, it’s all about AI!

Ground rules of the Ironweb event:

  • The event would last 3 days.Over 500 students were divided into teams of 4 candidates, managed by 4 coaches: Matt (HyperCycle’s Marketing Team — Sales) for Team RED, Marius (10h11’s CTO) for TEAM BLUE, Julien (10h11’s CEO) for TEAM YELLOW, and myself (HyperCycle’s Marketing Team- UI & Content) for TEAM GREEN.
  • Each team of 4 candidates chose from a set of 20 subjects, all related to creating a service or product in the business world.
  • Each day, the 4 coaches hosted a Keynote to present the ideas, tools, and functionalities that all teams needed to use and master to develop their project.
  • An aggregating platform was created by 10h11 with all the material needed to produce the expected work, a team and region leaderboard, a coach leaderboard, and a deposit section to share all their accomplished tasks (insert pictures).
  • At the end of each day, each team had to send a video presenting the overall result of their work, and each coach would evaluate their teams.
A fun dashboard to keep the competition going!

Clearly an intense program for students aged between 19 and 22.

b) Some students are already aware about AI and Web3

While it was obvious that all students had heard about AI, only a portion of them were really considering leveraging it in their life and future business. So naturally, a question arose about another topic: what about web3 then? Do those young students really know about it?

Thankfully, Matt had the clever idea to create a poll evaluating how well the students knew about Web3, and to our surprise, the results showed that more than 25% (verify number + add picture) already had heard about web3, and some even had a short course about it. How encouraging!

C) AI can be fun!

Now that everything was set, the fun could begin. Indeed, the team were presented a generous set of AI tools, from LLMs to web scraping softwares, Generative AIs and Video modifiers, and usage of Metamask on Testnet with Ethereum and HyPC testnet tokens, the students got the full web3/AI treatment.

It’s safe to say they all enjoyed playing with those tools, to the point some realised how powerful they were, although a little more time consuming than they expected. But that’s where HyperCycle comes in place.

II- Presenting HyperCycle to young minds: our message

After two full days of guiding each team in using siloed AI software and services, we reached a unanimous conclusion: using AI is very helpful, but in practice, it’s hard to jump from one environment to another without a real bridge between each solution. This is where Matt and I presented our keynotes to raise awareness about the advantages of decentralisation in Web3 for AI usage with HyperCycle.

a) What is the real Web3?

Matt started presenting the promises of the real web3 world and how it was offering a different, one might say more complete and inclusive, approach on how we can work and tackle problems in 2023. The students were introduced to the concept of decentralised networks, Tokens, decentralised economies…all the flavours you can find within this fertile environment.

b) What is HyperCycle?
Then it was time for me to introduce how in this context, HyperCycle was shining light in the realms of Decentralised AI, positioning itself as the enabler of the Internet of AI.

Representation of HyperCycle’s distributed network and its participants

This simple metaphor allowed me to explain how HyperCycle was the perfect candidate for hosting an infinite set of AI agents, allowing them to communicate with each other flawlessly, thus enhancing the network’s global intelligence and all involved machines’ operational success, by creating an open-source, permissionless, and inclusive AI computation Network that can benefit all participants.

c) What can it do?

It was also the occasion to demonstrate how tomorrow, all those time-consuming AI tools that the students had to use, could be hosted freely on the HyperCycle network without the need to create a specific account for each one, and with the ability for each of these tools to contract and subcontract each other if needed, in order to provide the best output possible for them. All the while by rewarding all our network participants at the same time.

Increasing HyperCycle’s global AI brain

As a warmup, Matt and I had concocted some web3 HyperCycle related exercises requesting each team to create a fresh Metamask Wallet on Testnet and send their wallet address into the Ironweb platform so we could send them some Testnet Eth and tHyPC on the Sepolia network. They all succeeded and even managed to send 1024 tHyPC to other competing teams randomly. This helped them realize how easy it was to manipulate tokens nowadays, even if it was on testnet.

All in all, the last day of the Ironweb was an eye-opening moment for some of the students, and the paramount moment was when we all invited each team to complement their project by inventing some usage of the HyperCycle Network they could make, since technically anything was possible on our Network, in order to beat the existing competition in their respective selected fields, which will be explained in the next part.

To conclude, Julien delivered a keynote on Kaspa, addressing how they are tackling the famous trilemma of decentralised money with their innovative PoW technologies.

III- What’s next?

The Ironweb event was not just a success; it was a revelation. It highlighted the immense demand for AI usage among young generations, showcasing their eagerness to embrace and leverage this technology. Here’s what we’re planning next:

Expanding to More Universities: Building on this success, we aim to scale up the initiative to more universities worldwide. The HyperUniversity Program is set to become a global platform, empowering students across the globe to engage with and contribute to the AI revolution.

Real Applications of the HyperAiBox: The event also served as a precursor to the real-world applications of the HyperAiBox. We showed the students that with our HyperAiBox, they have the opportunity to use this innovative tool not just for academic purposes but also to develop solutions for real-life problems, harnessing the power of the Internet of AI.


The Ironweb event with ISEG universities was more than an educational exercise; it was a glimpse into the future of AI and its potential to reshape our world. As we witnessed students from diverse backgrounds come together, learn, and innovate, we were reminded of the boundless possibilities that lie ahead in the era of decentralised AI.

HyperCycle stands at the forefront of this revolution, not just as a technology provider but as an enabler of dreams and ambitions. We are committed to nurturing this young talent, providing them with the tools and platform to transform their ideas into reality.

As we look forward to expanding our reach and impact, we remain dedicated to our mission of democratising AI. The journey with these bright, young minds has just begun, and we are excited to see where it leads us — towards a world where AI is not just a tool, but a partner in building a smarter, more connected, and more equitable future.

Press Inquiries: jack@hypercycle.ai

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